Thursday, October 16, 2008

Milk Thistle Palpitations

Berlin Wall: the "old" symbol restoration

I saw the little 'left, I saw him in real life, with graffiti, cracks, or just a yellow stripe in the middle of the street where the first had been built .. and I've seen sold in pieces to 5 marks each (was 1997). Can not say I have lived because I was a child, but the Berliner Mauer is the symbol of the division and the disregard for human rights, fundamental freedoms, the Cold War.

Today, on the occasion of the approach next year the 20th anniversary of the fall (November 9, 89), the longest part remained intact - the East Side Gallery (1.3 km) - see the restoration of all its frescoes.

It is not only a restoration material .. The project offers endless food for thought, which is still strongly valid and real, not to forget the humiliating profanity that you continue to repeat centuries after centuries after centuries .. The message will never be implemented?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Incesto Italian Scorpio

Buchmesse Frankfurt: uncomfortable (and ignored) opening

opens today at the Frankfurt International Book Fair (Frankfurt Book Fair), which this year sees Turkey as the guest of honor. For the occasion, Orhan Pamuk, intense and profound author, as well as 2006 Nobel Prize for Literature, was invited to the inauguration speech of the event. I want to bring to your attention a brief excerpt of his speech (taken from from

«Lo scrittore turco ha criticato gli ostacoli alla libertà di espressione che ancora esistono nella sua patria: "La tendenza dello Stato turco a proibire libri e punire scrittori - ha detto Pamuk, secondo la traduzione del suo discorso - continua ancora a sussistere. Sulla base del paragrafo 301 del diritto penale turco, con il quale si è cercato di intimorire scrittori come me, centinaia di scrittori e giornalisti sono stati sottoposti a processo e condannati». (Vi risparmio la demagogia degli altri interpellati).

Questo le parole che hanno turbato, ma non più di tanto, la stampa europea, mentre quella italiana c'è assolutamente passata above .. The news, although perhaps not of primary importance, is not mentioned in any quotidianodi today, I personally felt the TG Radio2 but the service is not even gone to the death onda.Esempio trivial conditions in which information pours in Italy. Among the other as a subject could give inspiration to many discussions over this: censorship in the text, the integration of Turkey into the European Union, and why not, even immigration. Instead, the focus on time of the media only focuses on sovrainformazione and censorship, helped by the laziness of the people.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Bottomless Women In Movies

Bioethics, moral choices

Bioethics is a discipline that deals with moral issues that arise along with the rapid progress of biological and medical research. Its nature is multidisciplinary, being able to count among its various aspects relating to subjects such as biology, medicine, philosophy, law and more.

The issues related to bioethics are very numerous and the public is increasingly involved in daily life, including through the media. Just think of cloning, the use of stem cells, genetic engineering, assisted reproduction, clinical trials of drugs, organ transplants, euthanasia.

In Italy the National Committee for labioetica was founded in 1990 and is an advisory body to the Prime Minister. Its documents are available to everyone both in hard copy form of books published by publishing another structure of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (the Department for Information and Publishing) and in the online version.

ethics committees are present in all Italian public health facilities (Local Health Authorities, hospitals, etc..), And consist of medical and paramedical personnel, and experts in clinical psychology, philosophy, sociology, material law, theology, etc..

currently are being developed under strict sense bioeticistiin of academic bioethics (not only as teaching fit in the History of Medicine or moral philosophy). In 2001 he erected the first School of Bioethics in the world, led by Professor Gonzalo Miranda, at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome.

be speaking Monica Toraldo di Francia .

Monica Toraldo di Francia and university researchers confirmed the Department of Philosophy, University of Florence and teaching professor of Bioethics at the Faculty of Humanities of the University.

The meeting will take place at 21.15 hours in the salon the Labour conference in Prato.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Does A Polaroid Spectra System Need Batteries?

Lodo Alfano: Law ad personam, or much ado about nothing? Arrival and departure

On Saturday and Sunday (11-12 ottobre), in molte città italiane saranno allestiti banchetti di raccolta firme per il referendum abrogativo, vale a dire per la cessazione di efficacia, del Lodo Alfano .

Prima di decidere se firmare o meno, vi propongo una breve e modestissima occhiata sulla tanto discussa legge, ma ancor prima due rapide osservazioni sulla locuzione "lodo":
«Dal latino láudum (latino medievale: "approvare"), decisione con cui un arbitro o un collegio di arbitri dirime (risolve) una controversia. Ma anche compromesso, accordo fra parti aventi interessi contrastanti».
E' un provvedimento che segue l'iter di una legge ed arriva ad acquisirne l'efficacia come una legge dello Stato, ma si continua a chiamarlo "lodo" perchè fin da quando apparve la prima volta nella storia della Repubblica col "lodo De Gasperi", la stampa e la consuetudine dell'utilizzo hanno fatto sì che il termine rimanesse per evitare ambiguità, e per poterlo distinguere rispetto all'oggetto di riferimento.

Dunque , il Lodo Alfano si concretizza nella legge n. 124 del 23 luglio 2008, realizzandosi in un solo articolo (totale 8 commi):

«Disposizioni in materia di sospensione del processo penale nei confronti delle alte cariche dello Stato»

1. Salvi i casi previsti dagli articoli 90 e 96 della Costituzione, i processi penali nei confronti dei soggetti che rivestono la qualità President of the Republic, President of the Senate, President of the Chamber of Deputies and President of the Council of Ministers shall be suspended from the date of the appointment until the termination of office or function. The suspension also applies to prosecutions for acts committed prior to the taking of office or function.
2. The accused or his defense lawyer with special power of attorney may at any time the suspension.
3. The suspension does not prevent the court, if necessary conditions are met, to provide, in accordance with Articles 392 and 467 of the Criminal Procedure Code, for the taking of evidence is not postponed.
4. The provisions of Article 159 of the Criminal Code.
5. The suspension of work for the entire term of office or function and is not repeatable, except for re-appointment during the same term or apply in case of subsequent induction of an office or in other functions.
6. In the case of suspension does not apply the provisions of Article 75, paragraph 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. When the plaintiffs moved in a civil action, the words to appear in Article 163-bis of the Code of Civil Procedure, shall be reduced by half, and the court shall determine the order of discussion of the causes giving precedence the process moved on action.
7. The provisions of this Article shall also apply to criminal trials in progress at any stage, rank or status, the date of entry into force of this Act.
8. This Act comes into force on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette.

Now, on the one hand the necessity to respect the fundamental principles of, and secondly the need for protection of particular institutional roles. But legal protection of the function (and not the person) is already in the Constitution (Article 68-69-90).

A general protection instead, which is not included In no text could be considered unconstitutional .. Hence the question whether the measure responds to real needs of a general nature - as cited in DDL card reading "The Court held that the peaceful conduct of the functions of interest, which it calls the" appreciable "and may be protected; - or whether it serves the needs of particular and contingent nature ..

I therefore urge you to consider, and if you like, leave a comment.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Person Stands In A Bathroom

The issue of northern

The difficulties of the Democratic Party to get in touch with the electorate that makes Italy, SMEs and districts

intervening :

Gabi Dei Ottati

Andrea Valzania

The event will be held Monday, October 6 at 21 in the hall of the Chamber of Labour Prato, Piazza Mercatatale.