long been the focus of hot debates and confrontations, the burqa is unlawful or less continuously discuss, so I propose to those who pass by here.
I refer to the last reported today on Courier, and the decision of the prefect of Treviso, Vittorio Capocelli, to legitimize the burqa . Honestly, even now as I write these lines I do not know from as part of his host, and if I am able to get the facts and express my doubts, perhaps in the end we all mixed together ..
In my opinion, until the discussion is limited to "the full coverage of the face is an insult to the dignity of women" or "if it is freely chosen symbol of a culture then it is permissible" is not in any way to reach a solution. Of course talk is essential, but the stance of the Pollastrini I think it is a bit 'too much of the living room of 17 ..
Returning to the theme, given the times we live, identification is necessary in a public place, at least for a discourse of public safety (although in my opinion they cry a little 'too much like the terrorist all'untore the time of the plague), but I think this is only half a pretext for social background, to keep our eyes, often veiled by a dense layer of cataract type xenophobic they may be "forced" to see a woman with a burqa in front of him.
Leafing through the pages of the Internet to gather as much information as possible, before processing on a speech so complex, I came across a myriad of data .. I believe that the issue can be discussed if isolated in two fronts of assessment, namely the legislative and the religious. Entering into the legal question - a little, otherwise I end up more and do not boast great expertise - the law is Italian and the European Union (which prevails on the first mentioned), freedom of religion including through the observance of rites and practices. On the other hand, the law number 152 of 1975, Article 5 prohibits making use, in a public place, a total coverage of the face. So what do we do? Secular state or social security?
The religious and cultural side is not far behind: Needless to say that, apart from the fundamental need for dialogue and openness in our society, the encounter between Western culture and the Muslim Middle East-is definitely a rock full of obstacles.
Aside from what is now repeated continuously, ie che alla base ci sono concetti diversi di “persona e donna, credo religioso, libertà individuale ecc” che, anche se non sempre comprensibili, vanno comunque rispettati, quello che più mi ha stupito è che, cercando meglio, scopro che nessuna delle quattro scuole giuridiche islamiche riconosce il burqa come dogma, da alcuni viene descritta come un’espressione del fanatismo fondamentalista.. In realtà, dal punto di vista storico, ma anche semantico e giuridico, il ventesimo secolo ha visto i paesi musulmani protagonisti di una forte crisi delle strutture tradizionali delle società, dovuta ai processi di modernizzazione, e la reazione neoconservatrice ha tradotto la dicotomia puro/impuro in «divieto come fondamento». Hence the burqa, even the niqab - the practice of covering the face - becomes law .. And in Western countries, who wears it, does it really for religious beliefs or coercion?
In fact, the Koran is expressed in a clear use of the veil in Sura 33 Al-Ahzab '(meaning the coalition) v. 59 - and beyond - says "O Prophet, 'your wives and your daughters and the believing women to cover their veils, so to be recognized and not molested. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. In reality the practice of the veil is not mentioned as a restriction on anti-feminist, but as a necessity to protect Muslim women from any harassment. (In Assyria, the law required him to distinguish women from slaves and prostitutes).
But in headscarves and completely cover every part of the body there is a difference .. It can therefore Afferni practice that it belongs to fundamentalism? And not only that, I leave you with another question: have you ever read these lines? Chapter 3 of the book of Isaiah, verses 16-25 (ie Bible), but more nuanced accusations certainly worthy of consideration ..
keep getting confused. Maybe even my cross between citations and attempt-to-interpretation is right. I refer you, for those who desire and have time to read, two blogs that speak of the Italian Muslim girls veil to Monire , and to Aisha, perhaps even more explicit in the first . I found them both by accident, but not by chance that I post and comments can help us to open our eyes to a world considered as the most incomprehensible and intolerable, or at least proporcelo in a different light than usual.
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