Trovo che sia sbagliatissimo. A partire dal fatto I doubt that in countries where it exists, has never contributed to a reduction in crime (or vice versa).
Apart from the irony in the title, I think it's a huge step forward both for the concept of ethics (infinitely large that I will not dare to face), both as regards the scope of the successes of the European Union, and even more for Italy, that in spite of the recent and sad quotes the NY Times, has shown great commitment, strength and ability synergy at European level.
Then, regardless of arguments for cultural, political, ethical, etc etc. .. I find that the death penalty in all its forms, is a reminiscence of our primitive origins, a way to apply la "giustizia" da uomo delle caverne..
Come sempre liberi di esprimere il vs parere - magari dando prima una letta ad entrambi i fronti : qui trovate l'ultimo articolo sul Corriere che riporta le parole di Napolitano, qui invece intervista all'ex ambasciatore americano alle Nazioni Unite John Bolton (parente di Michael? :), pro-pena capitale.
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