Thursday, October 16, 2008

Milk Thistle Palpitations

Berlin Wall: the "old" symbol restoration

I saw the little 'left, I saw him in real life, with graffiti, cracks, or just a yellow stripe in the middle of the street where the first had been built .. and I've seen sold in pieces to 5 marks each (was 1997). Can not say I have lived because I was a child, but the Berliner Mauer is the symbol of the division and the disregard for human rights, fundamental freedoms, the Cold War.

Today, on the occasion of the approach next year the 20th anniversary of the fall (November 9, 89), the longest part remained intact - the East Side Gallery (1.3 km) - see the restoration of all its frescoes.

It is not only a restoration material .. The project offers endless food for thought, which is still strongly valid and real, not to forget the humiliating profanity that you continue to repeat centuries after centuries after centuries .. The message will never be implemented?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Incesto Italian Scorpio

Buchmesse Frankfurt: uncomfortable (and ignored) opening

opens today at the Frankfurt International Book Fair (Frankfurt Book Fair), which this year sees Turkey as the guest of honor. For the occasion, Orhan Pamuk, intense and profound author, as well as 2006 Nobel Prize for Literature, was invited to the inauguration speech of the event. I want to bring to your attention a brief excerpt of his speech (taken from from

«Lo scrittore turco ha criticato gli ostacoli alla libertà di espressione che ancora esistono nella sua patria: "La tendenza dello Stato turco a proibire libri e punire scrittori - ha detto Pamuk, secondo la traduzione del suo discorso - continua ancora a sussistere. Sulla base del paragrafo 301 del diritto penale turco, con il quale si è cercato di intimorire scrittori come me, centinaia di scrittori e giornalisti sono stati sottoposti a processo e condannati». (Vi risparmio la demagogia degli altri interpellati).

Questo le parole che hanno turbato, ma non più di tanto, la stampa europea, mentre quella italiana c'è assolutamente passata above .. The news, although perhaps not of primary importance, is not mentioned in any quotidianodi today, I personally felt the TG Radio2 but the service is not even gone to the death onda.Esempio trivial conditions in which information pours in Italy. Among the other as a subject could give inspiration to many discussions over this: censorship in the text, the integration of Turkey into the European Union, and why not, even immigration. Instead, the focus on time of the media only focuses on sovrainformazione and censorship, helped by the laziness of the people.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Bottomless Women In Movies

Bioethics, moral choices

Bioethics is a discipline that deals with moral issues that arise along with the rapid progress of biological and medical research. Its nature is multidisciplinary, being able to count among its various aspects relating to subjects such as biology, medicine, philosophy, law and more.

The issues related to bioethics are very numerous and the public is increasingly involved in daily life, including through the media. Just think of cloning, the use of stem cells, genetic engineering, assisted reproduction, clinical trials of drugs, organ transplants, euthanasia.

In Italy the National Committee for labioetica was founded in 1990 and is an advisory body to the Prime Minister. Its documents are available to everyone both in hard copy form of books published by publishing another structure of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (the Department for Information and Publishing) and in the online version.

ethics committees are present in all Italian public health facilities (Local Health Authorities, hospitals, etc..), And consist of medical and paramedical personnel, and experts in clinical psychology, philosophy, sociology, material law, theology, etc..

currently are being developed under strict sense bioeticistiin of academic bioethics (not only as teaching fit in the History of Medicine or moral philosophy). In 2001 he erected the first School of Bioethics in the world, led by Professor Gonzalo Miranda, at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome.

be speaking Monica Toraldo di Francia .

Monica Toraldo di Francia and university researchers confirmed the Department of Philosophy, University of Florence and teaching professor of Bioethics at the Faculty of Humanities of the University.

The meeting will take place at 21.15 hours in the salon the Labour conference in Prato.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Does A Polaroid Spectra System Need Batteries?

Lodo Alfano: Law ad personam, or much ado about nothing? Arrival and departure

On Saturday and Sunday (11-12 ottobre), in molte città italiane saranno allestiti banchetti di raccolta firme per il referendum abrogativo, vale a dire per la cessazione di efficacia, del Lodo Alfano .

Prima di decidere se firmare o meno, vi propongo una breve e modestissima occhiata sulla tanto discussa legge, ma ancor prima due rapide osservazioni sulla locuzione "lodo":
«Dal latino láudum (latino medievale: "approvare"), decisione con cui un arbitro o un collegio di arbitri dirime (risolve) una controversia. Ma anche compromesso, accordo fra parti aventi interessi contrastanti».
E' un provvedimento che segue l'iter di una legge ed arriva ad acquisirne l'efficacia come una legge dello Stato, ma si continua a chiamarlo "lodo" perchè fin da quando apparve la prima volta nella storia della Repubblica col "lodo De Gasperi", la stampa e la consuetudine dell'utilizzo hanno fatto sì che il termine rimanesse per evitare ambiguità, e per poterlo distinguere rispetto all'oggetto di riferimento.

Dunque , il Lodo Alfano si concretizza nella legge n. 124 del 23 luglio 2008, realizzandosi in un solo articolo (totale 8 commi):

«Disposizioni in materia di sospensione del processo penale nei confronti delle alte cariche dello Stato»

1. Salvi i casi previsti dagli articoli 90 e 96 della Costituzione, i processi penali nei confronti dei soggetti che rivestono la qualità President of the Republic, President of the Senate, President of the Chamber of Deputies and President of the Council of Ministers shall be suspended from the date of the appointment until the termination of office or function. The suspension also applies to prosecutions for acts committed prior to the taking of office or function.
2. The accused or his defense lawyer with special power of attorney may at any time the suspension.
3. The suspension does not prevent the court, if necessary conditions are met, to provide, in accordance with Articles 392 and 467 of the Criminal Procedure Code, for the taking of evidence is not postponed.
4. The provisions of Article 159 of the Criminal Code.
5. The suspension of work for the entire term of office or function and is not repeatable, except for re-appointment during the same term or apply in case of subsequent induction of an office or in other functions.
6. In the case of suspension does not apply the provisions of Article 75, paragraph 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. When the plaintiffs moved in a civil action, the words to appear in Article 163-bis of the Code of Civil Procedure, shall be reduced by half, and the court shall determine the order of discussion of the causes giving precedence the process moved on action.
7. The provisions of this Article shall also apply to criminal trials in progress at any stage, rank or status, the date of entry into force of this Act.
8. This Act comes into force on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette.

Now, on the one hand the necessity to respect the fundamental principles of, and secondly the need for protection of particular institutional roles. But legal protection of the function (and not the person) is already in the Constitution (Article 68-69-90).

A general protection instead, which is not included In no text could be considered unconstitutional .. Hence the question whether the measure responds to real needs of a general nature - as cited in DDL card reading "The Court held that the peaceful conduct of the functions of interest, which it calls the" appreciable "and may be protected; - or whether it serves the needs of particular and contingent nature ..

I therefore urge you to consider, and if you like, leave a comment.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Person Stands In A Bathroom

The issue of northern

The difficulties of the Democratic Party to get in touch with the electorate that makes Italy, SMEs and districts

intervening :

Gabi Dei Ottati

Andrea Valzania

The event will be held Monday, October 6 at 21 in the hall of the Chamber of Labour Prato, Piazza Mercatatale.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Vasiline To Masterbate

"The Constitution, 60 years later" with Luciano Violante and Maurizio Fioravanti

Monday, July 7 was the first meeting of political education promoted by Agora which was attended by the former president of the Chamber Luciano Violante, Maurizio Fioravanti and professor at the University of Florence.
The theme was the Italian constitution, di seguito troverete il video dell'intero incontro.

Introduzione di Lorenzo Rocchi e la prima domanda a Murizio Fioravanti

La prima domanda a Luciano Violante

La seconda domanda a Maurizio Fioravanti

La seconda domanda a Luciano Violante

questions from the audience

Friday, June 27, 2008

My G Tycoon


Monday, July 7 at 21, Meadow
Area Debates, Party of the Democratic Party.

"The Constitution, 60 YEARS AFTER"
Luciano Violante and Maurizio Fioravanti

Prima iniziativa di Agorà, incontri di formazione politica.
Maurizio Fioravanti e Luciano Violante ci parleranno della nostra carta costituzionale, sessant'anni dopo la sua promulgazione.
Dal compromesso alla base della prima stesura, alla difficile prospettiva di riforma degli ultimi anni. Storia, evoluzione e prospettive di uno dei migliori testi costituzionali d'Europa.

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Luciano Violante

Image E' professore ordinario di istituzioni di diritto e procedura penale presso
l ’Università di Camerino.

E 'born September 25, 1941 in Dire Daua in Ethiopia where his father,
journalist and communist, had to emigrate. The family was later interned by the British
in a concentration camp, where Luciano Violante was born and remained until the end of 1943.

graduated in law from Bari in 1963, enter into the judiciary in 1966.

In 1970 he became lecturer in criminal law at the University of Turin, where from 1974 to 1981 was Professor of Public Law.

E 'examining magistrate in Turin until 1977. From 1977 to 1979 he worked at the office Legislative Ministry of Justice, dealing mainly with the fight against terrorism.

In 1983 he won the chair in civil law and criminal procedure and resigned from the judiciary.

It 'been a deputy from 1979 to 2008, first in the list of PCI, the party to which he enrolled in the same year, then in those of the PDS, the DS-l'Ulivo and the Olive Tree.

From 1980 to 1987 is responsible for the policies of Justice of the PCI, which then became vice president of the parliamentary group.

He was a member of the Commission of Inquiry into the Moro case, the Commission Anti-Mafia Parliamentary Committee for the security services, the Commission for the reform of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Judiciary Committee and the Committee on the Rules of the Chamber of Deputies.

E 'President of the Anti-Mafia Commission from September 1992 to March 1994.

From 1994 to 1996 was Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies.

On 10 May 1996 he was elected President of the Chamber of Deputies for the XIII Legislature ( the inaugural address ).

In the XIII Legislature, the Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies is committed to transparency, modernizing, opening society and the international projection of Deputies.

It has been opened a multimedia website, that exceeded seven and a half million hits per month, and through which you can follow the work of the live, via satellite.

Each member is equipped with a laptop and a mailbox.

Technological innovations have been introduced in parallel with a process of change in the legislative process.

Reforming the Rules of the Chamber of Deputies approved in September 1997 and came into effect on 1 January 1998, has established criteria for quality and efficiency for the organization of the session and the legislative procedure has increased space initiative within the opposition groups. The President of the Chamber of Deputies, on the basis of new regulations, proposed guidelines on the quality of legislation that were adopted by two successive Conferences of Presidents of Parliaments of the European Union held in Lisbon in May 1999 and in Rome in September 2000. These indications may be collected by the parliaments concerned are in them, both in the context of the Operation to improve the quality of legislation.

Each week were offered at high schools to stage a day to follow the proceedings of the House, while the representatives of industry associations and trade unions and the Armed Forces and Police have been proposed meetings focused on issues of mutual interest. Kids in the Hall The initiative, launched in 1997 and takes place in many other parliaments in Europe, has managed to become law of the state some of the measures presented and approved by children.

To meet the challenge of globalization and compensate the "deficiency representative" Particular attention was dedicated to the development of international relations between parliaments.

The two basic guidelines were: the construction of a parliamentary dimension of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, which links the European Union countries and non-European Mediterranean countries and Central European Initiative, addressed the parliamentary form of cooperation in particular the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

The "Dialogue on the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly" attended by the presidents of the People of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Hellenic Parliament and the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran, has been promoted as part of the proclamation of 2001 as the Year of Dialogue among Civilizations by the UN General Assembly.

The President of the Chamber has done reports on the quality of legislation in the Conference of Presidents of Parliaments of the European Union, in Helsinki and Lisbon, as part of a seminar on Parliamentary Diplomacy in Montevideo . On the international fight against crime has submitted reports to the Conference of Presidents of Parliaments of the member countries of the Inca, University College, Oxford, the Conference of Presidents of European Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg. "The Stability Pact for Europe South-Eastern Europe "was held at the heart of the meeting of Presidents of Parliaments of the member countries of the Inca in Warsaw," The role of budget laws in parliamentary democracies "was the title of the report presented at the opening ' meeting between the Budget Committees of OECD countries in Paris.

E 'was last brought about the transformation of the square of Deputies to restore it to its original profile.

elections in 2001 was elected deputy of the constituency in Western Sicily, as DS leaders in the proportional representation and two in the College of Turin, as a candidate of the Olive Tree, has opted for the single-member constituency.
On May 31, 2001 was elected Chairman of the Ds-l'Ulivo the Chamber of Deputies.

In 2006 he was elected in the constituency XXV (SICILY 2) in the list of the Olive Tree.
E 'joined the parliamentary group: L' OLIVE

After the fall of Prodi II . in view of the elections of 13 and 14 April 2008, said he did not wish to reapply to negotiate more to meet the generational change sought by the Secretary of the Democratic Party Walter Veltroni

has published :

- in 1994, Einaudi "It is not the Octopus." Bollati Borighieri in 1995 and the "Cantata for children killed by the Mafia."

- He edited volumes of the Dictionary of institutions and citizens' rights, Editori Riuniti, 1996.

- mafia and mafia - Value 1996, Mafia and Italian society - Report 1997, Money Mafia - Report 1998, Laterza.

- For Einaudi has also edited the volume of the Annals of the History of Crime Italy, 1997, and the volume Law Law Justice, 1998, the same necklace.

- Mondadori published a book for Italy after 1999, the challenge to the stability, 1998.

- Essays in the volume of Laterza The two freedoms. Contribution to the identity of the Left, 1999.

- It 's the author of the essay "The evolution of parliamentary institutions, published in" The Italian Case 2 "- 2001, Garzanti (translation of books" Italy: Resilient and Vulnerable, "the Journal - Daedalus-American Academy of Arts and Sciences).

- he edited the volume of Einaudi Annals of the History of Italy "Parliament", published in October 2001.

- For Laterza published in May 2002, "The cycle mafia."

- For Garzanti, in June 2002, published in collaboration with the teachers and Guido Carlo Federico Grosso Neppi Modona, the criminal law and procedure manual on criminal justice and state power '.

- In 2003 Einaudi published "A World asymmetrical

- In 2004 - The Field of Crystals with the issues
Le Chateau

- with editions published in Piemme:
2005 - According to Ecclesiastes Dialogue between God and men,
2006 - Letter to Young People on the Constitution,
2007 - UNCORRECT 10 steps to prevent the failure of the Democratic Party.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Does Scorpio Man Like Me

Maurizio Fioravanti

 Maurizio Fioravanti (Prato, 1952), is a full-time professor of History of modern constitutions in the Faculty of Law, University of Florence. He has taught at University of Macerata and Modena. 

has carried out research in Germany at the Max Planck Institute for the History of European law. And 'member of the German company's constitutional history. Part of the preparation of 'Notebooks for Florentine history of modern legal thought ', the Scientific Council of ' Public Law ' and the management board of ' Political Philosophy '.

  • Jurists and the constitution, the German policy in the nineteenth century, Giuffrè, Milan 1979
  • State Constitution, Giappichelli, Torino 1993
  • Clipboard history of modern constitutions, Giappichelli, Torino 1995
  • Constitution and the sovereign people, the Mulino, Bologna 1998
  • Constitution, the Mulino, Bologna 1999
  • The science of public law, Giuffrè, Milano, 2001
  • The modern state in Europe. Institutions and Law (ed.), Roma - Bari, Laterza, 2002.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dental Extraction Forceps

formed to change the country

We come from years of constant campaigning. From years of meetings, reorganizations and changes. He suddenly sped up the process of reform of Italian politics, by condensation of two years in fact what we discussed for fifteen. It 's over the second republic, perhaps, a bit' as the first had ended, tragically, and the Berlusconi government. In this hectic period have been demolished structures and foundations were created for new ones, have discovered new ways of participation, has revolutionized the way in which the political opinion is formed and in which the parties seek consensus. The very idea of \u200b\u200bparty as we know it has been questioned.
We come from a period of change, perhaps late in our political system, to which we were forced by the stagnation of a policy that has not been able to meet the needs of people who sometimes preferred, as a reaction to the resignation of dissent organized social and political commitment.
We are now in a new phase, major parties, governments, more homogeneous, more potential to make decisions free from internal vetoes. And this, unfortunately, thanks to the sacrifice of a left, a victim of its inability to decide, he delivered the country to a right, but you have no need to change a bizarre election law, has the numbers to govern freely.
It is with the electoral reform and the reform of the institutions that will complete this phase. A law that gives any case, even to the winner by one vote, a stable government and a streamlining of the institutional framework, reducing the number of parliamentarians and functional upgrading of the rooms.
also carried out this step, will have no more excuses, the ruler will be able to decide and the duty to respond to their responsibilities. Whoever wins the election will have the opportunity to implement their political program and its idea of \u200b\u200bthe country.
And we close, you can see for the first time in twenty years, the possibility of changing this country. Yet
parties, including the Democratic Party, have found a new way, new people involved, but have failed to develop an idea of \u200b\u200bthe country. Yes, we made specific proposals on specific issues, also good, but lacks an overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe country we want. An 'idea that can not be born from that training and continuing discussion.
What is missing in parts of this "new" republic are the spaces, the spaces where people meet, they make up and decide. Once there were schools for training, meetings and conferences. Da una parte si apprendeva, si acquisivano conoscenze e si dibatteva, dall’altra si decideva, forti dell’elaborazione che era stata fatta.
Nella riorganizzazione dei nostri partiti ci siamo dimenticati di ricreare quegli spazi, che certo adesso assumerebbero forme diverse perché i tempi sono diversi, ma che sono essenziali per la costruzione di un’idea di Paese che un grande partito che ha l’ambizione di governare deve avere.
Senza formazione, senza elaborazione, senza luoghi dove ognuno abbia la possibilità di contare, portare avanti la propria idea e decidere non faremo diventare mai i partiti quei luoghi fertili che tutti abbiamo in mente. Continueremo a identificare i partiti con i propri leader anziché con the ideas they represent. We can never hope to develop an idea worthy of Pese to go to the government and be put into practice.
To do so is a lot of work, and must be done quickly because if you are not able to give to all those people who have approached the parties in the last period and also to those who have not yet done, but who are interested in policy, these spaces, they take refuge nell'antipolitica, which is one of the most serious cancers growing in our time. And not just them, entered the same history, little by little, they will lose their blind loyalty.
In this sense, is creating a space that we want to give our contribution, in our small format, creating a training e di discussione. Un ciclo di incontri da giugno a dicembre 2008, sulle principali tematiche alla base del nostro vivere comune, dal funzionamento delle istituzioni a tematiche calde come ambiente lavoro e diritti civili; un luogo d’apprendimento, ma prima ancora un luogo in cui discutere e mettere a confronto le proprie idee.
Un luogo dove si torna a parlare di politica, senza nostalgia. Consapevoli che non è questo il tempo della scuole di partito, o di schemi rigidi. Ma che è ancora il tempo di pensare a di discutere.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

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participation, listening, interest and freedom of information: four words that have characterized the day Imola's Vday. In fact the party was expecting more anxiety was the screening of our documentary .. I will therefore propose above
Vday and documentary represented the arrival of a demanding and tiring work but also a great satisfaction for everyone. From today it becomes a new starting point for development related to the documentary itself, pressing for new ideas that soon we will meet soon in what is the MeetUp Imola .
A good start all week, and soon with a post dedicated to Persian literature ..

Monday, April 21, 2008

Red Wine Causes Dark Stool?

Vday V2day or fuck or day: call it what you want but we'll be there .. and you?


's time to give everyone a wake up - who is able to do - and plant it to be taken for a ride, however, thank you very much ..
The Vday no political connotations far from it and for those who still want to tell me that there is politics, right and left .. well, you can choose to turn on the brain or continue browsing.

This is the poster (click on it) of our V-day, Vday the Imola, that even I, although it is arrived at work, I'm looking to give my contribution ... here also because of the long absence of posts lately ..
I can not tell you the whole day in a post, this is enough for the leaflet on the right. So - instead of going to Duna in Marina di Ravenna - I invite all readers of the blog, my friends and those who do not think like me, the curious and anyone who wants to make a side trip to the park Tozzoni Friday April 25. I and many other guys will be there and we're going to go down heavy .. to see if someone is aroused by the soporific teporino wallows where (and where I was also I until two months ago .. ).

two goodies for the evening and 2 two reasons not to be missed: the screening of our documentary / investigation on information, after which you will not see the world as the first ... And then to listen to good music and eating something healthy smoking a straw in the company!

Despite the reactionary rage, my dialectical vein / romantic could not leave you with two lines that have happened to me yesterday under the eyes, written in a completely different context, but they seemed to speak to me directly:
"Knowledge, where possible, it is first and foremost and at least before a verdict ".. or in this case, the first 's information.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Swollen Sore Inside Of Cheek

Night Shift: Nick still Kelman and his "Girls" A post

Lately I've found new and inflamed comments on the first post published here last year, so it seen renewed interest and discussion is still on (although I seemed to have been clear. .) .. The re-released together with the debate, also because I still do not understand is if I explain a bad or if there is only one great wish to have your say - just to give air to his mouth - without taking into account all written before. .
"The first" real "post is dedicated to something truly awful: a book whose shadow haunts me since 2004, when I read it.
The text in question is "Girls" by Nick Kelman. Me and the friend who bought me the assim then read, we were attracted by a cover absolutely "girly" that soared from batteries in Feltrinelli in Modena. After reading turned out to be worse than the worst novel appendix .. no point wasting a thousand explanations below will leave the link to the page in BOL (Books On Line) which contains the information about the book and one of the first, even my personal review:
Comments wheel:

Friday, March 7, 2008

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dyed black ... Toaff

necessary Prologue:
I discussed last night, again, politics with a friend. Me and the person in question are very similar, except for this area: I am confused / disappointed tending to the left and the grandson of a partisan Romagna, but his young nephew emiliano a nostalgic fascist military squad.
That said, a bit 'to joke and a bit 'seriously has finished to talk about my blog, and the fact that I write also to compare with dissonant voices from my own, etc etc..
Hence the idea to publish a post a little 'outside the box ", which on the one hand give the opportunity to express an opinion to someone, even if the opposite of what we usually try to communicate, and the other a real challenge .. Toaff docet:)
to you the text:
Maybe this is not OUR ITALY

premise that these few lines, do not want to be a form nostalgic or extremist thinking now matured over the years, but only a regret for what is happening on our land. We are regressing, we are becoming the last car of the train called Europe, it is sometimes said that there is no limit for the worst, I believe that this "worst" can be called Italy. The sense of patriotism, or the cry ITALY! ITALY! as he sang the great Mr G, now you hear only the games, now allow anyone to touch and defame our land, all can come to Italy and do what they want, meanwhile, are not punished, and above all we let it.

ENABLE is the magic word! We are completely overgrown by immigration, both in Italy is easy to obtain a residence and even citizenship, no one who opposes it, no one who loves his land, perhaps one day will be trampled by their children. But what legacy we leave? Harbor a grudge against leftist discourses on the necessity of immigration, that if it were not for them, they would staff for certain kinds of work .. Gentlemen, this is not immigration is an invasion. We open our eyes. Enter into Italy and contribute to what? They help to make our health infrastructure and education - both are free - are assigned houses, houses that are not assigned to our underprivileged, young couple struggling to raise a family, the elderly, in short, to the Italians. SHAME! It pays off as Italy? Increase in crime (as the law for "them" is irrelevant), increased costs, decreased social services, here is how to pay. Unfortunately they are nostalgic, and I think to see an Italy healthy we should go back 80 years, when there was someone who loved their land, and looked first to the interest of Italian. Railways, land reclamation and infrastructure found in the Fascist period, when there were still people who were proud to be Italian, when we were afraid to walk down the street at night, because there were teams of people to maintain public order where the person who was ill and was taken by the priest, when the Italian was the first place.

live in Modena. I am proud to be from Modena. Every day that passes I see a city that is increasingly ill, crying and asking for help. A city that is no longer safe at night where some areas are considered off limits, where money is invested for the construction of Roma camps or shelters. Here's my Modena, Modena of Modena, who loves her, transformed into a giant dustbin. Perhaps when we realize all this will be too late, we could compare a billionaire who became poor in one night playing at the casino. We are squandering our resources, and we give to those who should not have them. Maybe one day the cry 'Eja eja eja alal' come back smiling to embrace our land, gradually realizing that we were losing, and happy to have it restored.

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Scandal: return 'Easters of blood "

After one year from controversissima to first publication, go to the library 'Easters of blood "of Ariel Toaff . At the time, January 2007, was a true publishing event, because the essay addressed one of the most controversial topics in the history of Judaism medieval Ashkenazi, that is accused of abducting and killing Christian children to use its blood in rites of Easter.
controversy, accusations and excommunications were chased across Europe, America and Israel, bringing the text to the recall.
In this book I just read the edition of "forbidden", but as far as the argument is intellectually courageous - because it breaks the stereotype of the good and endorse the idea that not all principles Judaism coincide with the actual behavior of Jews in the flesh - it seemed to fade in a certain scandals .. what then has caused so much redundancy, confirming the fact that Italians and Italian press hungry for this kind of "information".
The new publication has been reviewed / criticized by several items, I suggest the below: Susanna Nirenstein on Republic , Roberto Beretta positive on the 'Future , Baudino on La Stampa , interview with Scaramouche always on Republic , while it remains the most critical Messenger . The only one missing however is the Corriere della Sera, which a year ago it was the first to give voice to the scandal ..

Sunday, February 10, 2008

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This afternoon I made the walk up to the observatory via Sisters. It 's a way that I do a lot to train, and is a beautiful and quiet ride, is a bit' my "temple" to find myself and focus each time. And along that path I like to observe the trees, the shapes of the hills, clouds, the outlines of houses, cats, flowers and drink at the fountain when I arrive at the top. But usually I run .. Today however, saw that it was a romantic walk, I brought my digital camera and I finally fotogratato and breathed fresh air so much more good than usual! (if you click the photo will open full-size 1:1)

good week everyone.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

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Neroogle: Google or sustainable

Arrive a bit 'by train later, but I bet that many people like me ignore the existence of ecological version Google, ie Neroogle .
ravanare As usual for the network, I discover that in July last year a computer, the Mark Ontkush, published a post that the pages of a bright background / white monitors consume more energy than black, and within just the idea is transformed from a first Blakle , then Neroogle.
addition to the unusual layout, of course, rages contest between argument and refutation of the arguments on the actual energy saving Google black, and any other layout colors displayed low wattage. On find the explanation given, just the topic index because they open up countless pages of pros and cons on 'eco version.
short, sparing you the wattage actually named on the homepage, or rather the project is only for old CRT monitors, the fact remains that Google is very attractive in black and fashion: p ... among other things same with the same functionality of the white version.
So, who you choose as a matter of 'glamorous', or simple curiosity, or nostalgia for those old computers 70 and 80 where they worked on a black background, or even political tastes (...) you do, but still worth a peek .. and why not, maybe to become your new homepage a bit 'dark!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

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Hot stuff: even arrives in Italy Sextrology

"Tell me what's your sign and tell you how you act under the sheets." .
This is the idea behind the manual, Sextrology , finally published in Italy, Stella Starsky and Quinn Cox, two New York private consultants in the field of astrology. But the volume (of more than 500 pages) is not a simple guide to the various signs, but a real compass to orient in the dark sides of themselves (and others), a sort of astrological Bible .. Criticism and translation suggests that this is a manual sophisticated language and uninhibited, which runs through all 12 signs each profile divided into 3 parts: the sign and the mind - body and soul - sex and sexuality, not to mention every feature of decline for sexual orientation, and both straight and gay. This is the official website.
For the curious like me - and do not tell me you're not even a little '(.. because ultimately it is this lever that is sought, not so much the fact of having to take at face value what is written ..) here's some pill
Libra: Libra The man is attracted to independent women, with which it can live in harmony, provided that their spheres of interest remain quite distinct. E 'particularly predisposed to homosexual · The Libra woman likes to wear feminine-Venusian put under the sheets and prevents the default roles. And 'gay women of the zodiac, as his ultra-masculine mind does not allow it to consider sex as an experience that provides emotional involvement. Essentially simple soul, not interested in particular perversions or sexual behavior.
Toro: Toro The man is a lover slow, lets go to extraordinarily long relationships, real sex marathon · The Taurus woman is motivated by a desire to satisfy her man. Definitely fighting in the bedroom, door exploration of her womanhood almost fetish, indulging in roles such as the striptease artist, geisha or prostitute on the high board.
note: I posted two signs at random, do not be angry. To read a little bit of the others go here:
I can also imagine that some of you will be ready to tell me "what kind of stuff write? ". Or worse still tell me that they are expired in the most banal of publication of an appendix, the worst of the various sections of Grace, Anna, Donna Moderna, Vanity Fair etc etc. .. Facts vostri, tanto scommetto che un'occhiatina al link gliel'avete data ;)
Grazie MR per avermi indicato il libro giorni fa.