's time to give everyone a wake up - who is able to do - and plant it to be taken for a ride, however, thank you very much ..
The Vday no political connotations far from it and for those who still want to tell me that there is politics, right and left .. well, you can choose to turn on the brain or continue browsing.
This is the poster (click on it) of our V-day, Vday the Imola, that even I, although it is arrived at work, I'm looking to give my contribution ... here also because of the long absence of posts lately ..
I can not tell you the whole day in a post, this is enough for the leaflet on the right. So - instead of going to Duna in Marina di Ravenna - I invite all readers of the blog, my friends and those who do not think like me, the curious and anyone who wants to make a side trip to the park Tozzoni Friday April 25. I and many other guys will be there and we're going to go down heavy .. to see if someone is aroused by the soporific teporino wallows where (and where I was also I until two months ago .. ).
two goodies for the evening and 2 two reasons not to be missed: the screening of our documentary / investigation on information, after which you will not see the world as the first ... And then to listen to good music and eating something healthy smoking a straw in the company!
Despite the reactionary rage, my dialectical vein / romantic could not leave you with two lines that have happened to me yesterday under the eyes, written in a completely different context, but they seemed to speak to me directly:
"Knowledge, where possible, it is first and foremost and at least before a verdict ".. or in this case, the first 's information.
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