So di essere di nuovo in ritardo di parecchio con questo post ma la verità è che la mia creatività rait nao è a soglie bassissime. L’unica cosa che potrebbe rendere lontanamente interessante la lettura è il racconto (breve, molto breve) delle mie avventure con i costumi di Carnevale.
E sì, perché da piccolo e da grande mi sono sbizzarrito parecchio.
– anni 3: il mio costume era quello da MAGGIOLINO. Non sapevo neanche cosa fosse un maggiolino, né che aspetto potesse lontanamente avere ma per fortuna oggi c’è Wikipedia. Il maggiolino è un insetto marrone shit that makes no sense in the natural world than to be a valid carnival costume. I must confess that, in disguise, did not seem so much a beetle, and I think it was because the costume was green and rifaldo, and wore a long pointed hat that made me look more like a string bean, but he was definitely very cool. And then no one would ever copied.
- 5 years approx.: I dressed in clouds. I had a blue shirt on with a cloud of foam, long blue socks of unknown origin and my beautiful red bull's eye. Moreover lacquer. That fashion! Everyone envied me and I was in love (so much that I bought at least equal to three volte, cambiando solo il numero).
– anni 7 credo (i miei non si ricordano): oh, oh! Ero un tenerissimo SIGNORE CON I BAFFI. Mi ricordo benissimo quei baffi, che si ficcavano nelle narici e ti facevano sudare per quanto erano scomodi. Mi vestii di tutto punto, con la cintura, la camicia e le occhio di bue rosse. E avevo anche la spada blu con l’elsa gialla comprata alla fiera!
– anni boh, diciamo 9: qui non mi inventai niente di originale, mi vestii da TOPOLINO COL NASO ROSSO da ubriaco perché dove comprai le orecchie avevano finito quelli neri. Ma dico io…
– maybe 12 years: the talent was beginning to break free. I dressed from what I found in the house: the hook of Captain Hook, Mickey's cowboy hat (it was a fixed), the water gun of Donald Duck (for a level playing field) and some normal dress. I chose a brilliant name, but memory fails me now.
ok,, the whole pantomime is to say from what I dressed up this year. Well
- 17 almost 18 years my mother that goal: I dressed up as ... BLACK COZZALA BOMBON is pissed COMING DIRECTLY FROM THE GHETTO. It was perhaps the most difficult costume to make and the better looking of the party (not for others ...). Beautiful, fucking and cellulite, I had her hair in a band speckled gold hoop earrings, a gold chain around his neck and a trick to die Who the fuck is he make up artist london the london look. I do a memorial stone, nice.
Who has the guts to copy me? Eh? Eh? HEY MOTHAF * CKA! Whut D HELL U DOING, HU? OH NO, BABE U WILL NOT DO IT! And so on, so going down.

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