Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Interracial Art Potos

Hot stuff: even arrives in Italy Sextrology

"Tell me what's your sign and tell you how you act under the sheets." .
This is the idea behind the manual, Sextrology , finally published in Italy, Stella Starsky and Quinn Cox, two New York private consultants in the field of astrology. But the volume (of more than 500 pages) is not a simple guide to the various signs, but a real compass to orient in the dark sides of themselves (and others), a sort of astrological Bible .. Criticism and translation suggests that this is a manual sophisticated language and uninhibited, which runs through all 12 signs each profile divided into 3 parts: the sign and the mind - body and soul - sex and sexuality, not to mention every feature of decline for sexual orientation, and both straight and gay. This is the official website.
For the curious like me - and do not tell me you're not even a little '(.. because ultimately it is this lever that is sought, not so much the fact of having to take at face value what is written ..) here's some pill
Libra: Libra The man is attracted to independent women, with which it can live in harmony, provided that their spheres of interest remain quite distinct. E 'particularly predisposed to homosexual · The Libra woman likes to wear feminine-Venusian put under the sheets and prevents the default roles. And 'gay women of the zodiac, as his ultra-masculine mind does not allow it to consider sex as an experience that provides emotional involvement. Essentially simple soul, not interested in particular perversions or sexual behavior.
Toro: Toro The man is a lover slow, lets go to extraordinarily long relationships, real sex marathon · The Taurus woman is motivated by a desire to satisfy her man. Definitely fighting in the bedroom, door exploration of her womanhood almost fetish, indulging in roles such as the striptease artist, geisha or prostitute on the high board.
note: I posted two signs at random, do not be angry. To read a little bit of the others go here:
I can also imagine that some of you will be ready to tell me "what kind of stuff write? ". Or worse still tell me that they are expired in the most banal of publication of an appendix, the worst of the various sections of Grace, Anna, Donna Moderna, Vanity Fair etc etc. .. Facts vostri, tanto scommetto che un'occhiatina al link gliel'avete data ;)
Grazie MR per avermi indicato il libro giorni fa.


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