Saturday, March 12, 2011

How To Make Wire Tensioner


to all parties who claim to be on the side of citizens, consumers, entrepreneurs

- this is a rule that allows aberrant GIP provincial courts unconstitutionally place of legitimacy, and must be changed.

- Chairman of the Board take note, because it is a rule that does not protect the injured party (translated into Italian humble and understand the part that has suffered in the case of criminal damage, both material and moral) and that there is law enforcement's menga and the Thames.

inviolable rights of citizens (VIOLATED)

Petition No 482

XVI Legislature

Mr. Salvatore Germinario of Verzino (Crotone), calls for a revision of the rules of the Code of Criminal Procedure governing the filing of the notice of the offense, especially with regard to the possibility for the injured party , to appeal or appeal and to appeal to the Supreme Court

Normative references document

Reg Senate Senate Rules, Art. 140

Reg Senate Senate Rules, Art. 141

Constitution Constitution, Art. 50


Presentato da Sig. Salvatore GERMINARA (Crotone) , il 20 gennaio 2009; annunciato nella seduta n. 126 del 20 gennaio 2009


Assegnato alla 2ยช Commissione permanente (Giustizia) il 20 gennaio 2009; annuncio nella seduta ant. n. 126 del 20 gennaio 2009


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