Per la rubrica “Imparare a vivere nel disprezzo altrui” , ho deciso di darvi degli utili consigli per fare delle foto che ritraggano il soggetto più importante del mondo: voi. Finalmente potrete creare con le vostre stesse mani un’opera d’arte che vi rappresenti; è necessario solo seguire pochi passi, per eseguire alla perfezione un vostro autoritratto. Questo breve corso vi insegnerà non solo a scattare fotografie bellissime ma anche a personalizzarle fino a renderle irriconoscibili.
Regola aura of self portraiture photography : have a camera.
Rule silver: having a bath.
Rule bronze : owning.
If you miss even one of these three things, I am mortified, but I can not help you. You will need to continue to live forever in the shadows and be shunned by all as lepers by the bunion.
Given these three basic rules, hands-on experience.
Legend: the colorful words indicating the parties body not involved in the photo, but those in italics indicate the key parts for the success.
start with the boys pose for .
Laying No. 1: to make this installation is necessary to bring the lip top to bottom to create a shape resembling the anus of a bird of choice (usually the pigeon). It might seem difficult, but a little 'practice helps, you know. Place a finger over his mouth and be perfect.

Pose No. 2 : This pose is already a bit 'more complex. You have groped for the shelling eyes for no reason (if you can get them out of their sockets are of phenomena) and at the same time put a hand in the vicinity of the mouth, simulating a person who is witnessing a sodomy in the city center. Most important is that the other arm, the one that holds the camera, is also present in the photo, right in the corner, to realize that che comunemente viene definita “la foto della domenica”.

Posa n°3 : al pari delle precedenti, per realizzarla a perfezione è necessaria un po’ di pratica. Innanzitutto oltre al bagno, diventa necessario possedere uno specchio (se ne siete sprovvisti, passate a un’altra posa). Il punto chiave della foto sta nell’appropinquarsi allo specchio con le labbra nella posa n°1 e scattare quindi la foto del proprio profilo. Nota bene: è importante che osserviate il vostro riflesso e non l’obiettivo Camera!

Pose # 4: This is one of the most complicated. You can choose the pose you prefer between the No. 1 and No. 2 but it is crucial that you took this photo from a dizzy height above and also framed cabinet in your bathroom (if you do not have it, ask somebody to be able to use her). We also tell you this secret: often if the toilet has a decoration on brown that extends to the water level V , the picture acquires a meaning much deeper and enigmatic!

Pose # 5: In this pose you can indulge, it is important to be serious. For me as I sprinkled the liquid soap on the lenses of my glasses.

Pose # 6: The latest installation that I propose is quite difficult, because it never happens to succeed the first time and should continue to be groped. Always in front of a mirror , hold the camera with one hand, while with the forefinger and thumb of a kind of do L and bring it to his mouth. I recommend to put the flash in the picture, otherwise it was all wasted effort.
Others are the poses that characterize girls.
Pose # 1: the most common and is generally expected that showcases all that you can show (Bonita, curves right ...). The advice is to get a pair of glasses any to increase your charm mystery girl.

Pose # 2: If you are a hard, this is posing for you. Wear a hat and try to bring out your chin, bringing it forward. Then, to increase the sense of the picture, a contested typically male subject (such as shaving foam) and take a picture holding it there.

Posa No. 3 : This installation is quite complicated and its execution must be perfect. Inflate your lips almost inhuman (if you have the fleshy effect will be even more impressive!) And arrange the hair all on one side. In this way you'll look provocative girls and snooty intriguing. Here we have two examples:

No. 4 Pose: This pose is perfectly suited to the souls dreaming. If you feel that, by standing on the sink counter, leaning on one arm , while others hold the camera. Warning! To take on the appearance of the girl thoughtfully Mordet the lower lip and push the look right.

Pose # 5: This pose is the female version of the "photo of Sunday." To help you do it will take a while 'Commitment Sunday. The installation consists of a look attractive (perhaps made more with a pair of sunglasses) and the exposure of your merchandise . If you are able-bodied and unfortunately you have any socks in place of breasts (literally, in photo), you can barely touch the photo to zoom in on what needs to be enlarged.

Pose # 6: The more complicated installation is similar to the No. 6 man, but a little more cumbersome because the females have more hair. Disponetevi in \u200b\u200ban unusual and, in particular, put an end color that you like, been careful to put the expensive flash into the picture. If you exercise, the results are guaranteed.

As for customizing your image, it is common to seek the help of special programs for photo editing. One of the most used is picnik thanks to its enormous versatility and undeniable ease of use. I myself have used Picnik to edit photos that I showed you. You do not know what the words mean "light", "contrast" or "saturation"? Who cares! The secret to a perfect photo is: everything to the maximum increase . Enjoy! It will be fantastic. In addition picnik, without paying a penny, you can add some funny little heads with their faces stunned or dazed, or the mythical colorful phrases. As written you can use your nickname, your favorite names or the names of your pets, perhaps accompanied by some term referring to the sphere of house music, love and hatred between friends (but often are too vulgar and foul language) or, conversely, you can invent the original sentences and surprise your friends.
After all is hard work, I demand that each of you make a portrait bimbaminkioso and send it to me! I see if I was a good teacher. So many things to everyone!
Acknowledgements: My inspirations Enzo van Gogh and Raffy Sanzio, my bathroom, my shaving cream (cameo), my wig Sciosciua Bella.
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