"Ah yes yes, the Fates, Clotho Lachesis and Atropos,
the myth of Heracles, the greek Pantheon, the Nine Muses,
hair Ade, I I have studied these things! "
(Student's classic review Hercules
after undergoing brainwashing)
N ell'ultimo post (the one on Valentine's Day, FYI) seems to have hinted at a point to the Disney film . I did? I did it! Yay!
B ene, today I plan to create, with your help (but if ever), the top 10 side effects of being raised on bread and videotapes. Yes, because, let's face it, well at least one mistake all the Disney movies we've seen.
B went more talk! Let's start!

For the record, then you teach that, in fact, eat a raw mushroom , of \u200b\u200bnon-certified and that makes you high enough / to be taken Radio Buenos Aires , well, it more dangerous. Also for the record, I still do not eat apples.
Yes. Maybe with the single of "Hakuna Matata " included in the package. Then he learns that he can kill people and then we tend to prefer the sharks, since fish are friends, not food !
And do not even have the faintest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a spinning wheel.
Well, yes, because, in short, algae your neighbor will seem a more green, you know. Would you go on earth? You do not know that much wrong doing!
It disseminates mouse traps in the cellar: then who will you put the ribbons on her dress? Bah, let's try this Grizzly down there, the green jersey is not bad!
And wonder why all those flyers mental health center in the hallway, Belle's father is not crazy!
Oh, there's nothing to add!
A CAUTION gentlemen, we are at the podium!
3. After so many years, still have the Mago for Mulan's hair.
At least, I've got!
2. moved when it turns out, finally, where is Timbuktu.
1. Having studied physics for years, and be still believe that the carpets may
And we add a 1a, permettetemelo, do not break the bales:
1 a . still hope that Ariel kisses the prince before sunset, which Mufasa fields, which go away with Pocahontas John Smith, Jane and Tarzan civilized just to see him with short hair. TIME SERIOUS ', WARNING A TUTTI I GENITORI:
Se una strega cattiva vi predice che vostra figlia sarà ammazzata da un arcolaio, non lasciatene uno in soffitta , grazie.
L asciatemi un commentino con la vostra massima disneyana , la più bella vincerà un oritteropo peluche !
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