Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Make Somone Fall Asleep Online

Quest'anno vorrei...

For reasons that still escape me (but I tend to tie the guilt of the horoscopes sfalsini Paul Fox, in collaboration with Novella2000), we have the strange idea that, with the arrival of 'New Year, all-and I stress ALL - needs to change: new year, new life, we all heard. It puts so much confidence in this cathartic event, which draws up (up up, we did it all at least once!) A list of "New Year's Resolutions," which is all you would like to happen in the coming months, and that should materialize as a result of hard work, quiet and cool on our front only theoretical. Stendiamo un velo pietoso.
Tralascio la critica alla ragionevolezza logica di ciò per riservarla al BOOM finale, e passiamo all'esame dei propositi in sé e per sé. Prima, però, vorrei specificare che ciò che leggerete scaturisce da una semplice ricerca su google (quindi da testimonianze reali) e -ebbene sì- dal film "Il diario di Bridget Jones", e non -solo- dal mio spirito dissacrante. *coro di buuuuuuu*
Al top (<- muahahahahah) della classifica dei goals più gettonati vi è sicuramente una tie (vuol dire che ce ne sono due): il primo è "perdere peso". L'entità di peso da perdere varia da persona a persona, e il range sembra estendersi più or less from 100g to 100kg. Well, first let me say to those who want to lose 100,500,800 go down there that may well do so by cutting their hair or stop drinking for a whole day. And for all that follow, perhaps, so there we raise from the walk. Secondly, I ask you: are you taking the piss? If not, you need to lose weight for a plate of penne in white? To round the figure, so you can go around saying that you carry the 37 instead of 38 (never MY GOD!)? Well I tell you two things: 1) eat folders, are good, and 2) as H & M to 37 do not have it, then it is useless to go screaming around with as much anxiety waiting for the new collection of underwear leopard, because we will enter four times. For those who want to lose a ton (of course I am referring to those who earn too much out of laziness or gluttony): my darlings, I know that you had to think twice to use up stocks of calzoncelli (and nougat, famous!) Of all the grandmothers the neighborhood. So, instead of scraping the bottom of your reserves of willpower writing on a piece pink fragrant, turn up the ass (by tombola 2010) and take in some calisthenics, even the sweet up and down is good (100 points to those who recognize the noble quote).
The second objective coveted by / the kids / and is "put cn ql / qlla great Figo / *****!!!! to 111!" also known version of the over-16 as "finding the right person to love." But the substance is the same. I could begin a long and Pallosa digression on this subject (and, rest assured, sooner or later I will), but I can only say: If there has cagati in 2010, will not do so even in 2011, and buy yourself a nice vibrator you'll be pleased.
Other common purposes are: to succeed at school, start to play sports or play an instrument, learn a new language (? ...), ok, help others, to visit a particular place.
I want to mention sheer will to take the piss out of others whose testimony I found: the victory of some end character of Big Brother (resulting in virtual fights, the worst kind), winning the league by his team, and re-crowned the nonsense-achieve their goals. Maccome?! We're talking half an hour of the objectives to be asked before getting drunk with Fontanafredda, and this comes out with is shit?! Is called "tautology" and call the second merciful veil of the day.
Note: This is all stuff bbuona, no doubt, is the attitude with which it appropinqua to be wrong. We tend to rely totally to chance, fate, waiting to be the 'year "(something I have to write ...) to materialize from nowhere to the boyfriend or the perfect diet. But how could it ever be logically possible? Do not want to sound cynical and pessimistic: there are the blows to her ass, maybe they are few, but sooner or later happen to all (see who gets bingo! How I envy them!), But you also have initiative. We must act, gentlemen, ACT. So put away the pen with the fuschia feathers and do something useful: it changes a year, frolic and celebrate, grow and multiply (not public), but in the end the only thing that changes is itself a figure (\u0026lt; - muahahahah) the date of the tasks in the classroom.

rereading I realized that it turned out more serious than I expected:
boys CONGAA ! (\u0026lt;- Click that)

PS we apologize for the lack of well ... 4 days! We have been engaged in eating the nougat and unwrapped gifts (eeeeh! XD).
We hope that you did too.
And, if those who were wondering, no, not this year I had the Nouvelle Cuisine.


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