Monday, January 31, 2011

Down Load Format Undf

La dura vita di un/a patentando/a.

"The car has 4 wheels ... um ... False!"
(Fabrizio Corona examination of the license.
few weeks ago.)

Q UAL is the first thing a child says that the day of his eighteenth birthday ? No, non è " Evvai mai più visite di Pedobear !" ma è " Porca paletta, sì, ora posso prendere la patente !". 
Q uello che i neo-diciottenni non sanno, è che alla base di tutto ciò c'è un meccanismo subdolo che fa sembrare la cosa come estremamente seria , quando ti ritrovi con domande del tipo "Il segnale in figura preannuncia una fattoria in aperta campagna " (quello degli animali domestici) oppure "E' regolamentare trovare sulla pavimentazione una scritta di incoraggiamento per i corridori ciclisti " (N.d.A. sono tutte domande true! WEBpatente try on for yourself! XD).
O vviamente I said to myself: if they are legitimate interpretations similar why do not they? ... CODE!

The signal depicted calls for accelerating because the Dahaka is destroying the world.

The signal shown indicates the road so tender it cuts with a breadstick.

The signal depicted invites drivers to jump into the water.

In view of the signal in the figure, the bow-legged drivers are asked to change course.

The figure shows signal ban scoured.

The signal depicted heralds a possible transition of faceless men and head to toe. (BTW I really thought it was a child!)

The additional panel in the figure heralds the meeting of machines to grips with giant snowflakes.

In the presence of the signal can travel only shown the red cars and black, the other not worthy.

In the presence of signal in the figure, who comes from another time is requested to return.

The signal shape is addressed in particular to the sellers of roasted chestnuts.

In the presence of signal in the figure, drivers are invited to make a will, as they face the divine light.

, forget it!

In case of fire, a fire extinguisher sopraggiungerà giant to save everyone.

Whether you believe it or not, the signal in the figure means "Disco".

Who counts the animals in the picture, he won a seat on gas.

The signal in figure predicts an area frequented by masochists who like to be planted poles there- where-not-beat-the-sun.

signal in the figure indicates danger of running into floating fish.

V abe I think I will make a second bet. A LOL to you all, and a heartfelt farewell to racing cyclists disheartened!

PS KissMyMicia reached the 3000 visits! A "ieeee" group!


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