Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Make Somone Fall Asleep Online

Quest'anno vorrei...

For reasons that still escape me (but I tend to tie the guilt of the horoscopes sfalsini Paul Fox, in collaboration with Novella2000), we have the strange idea that, with the arrival of 'New Year, all-and I stress ALL - needs to change: new year, new life, we all heard. It puts so much confidence in this cathartic event, which draws up (up up, we did it all at least once!) A list of "New Year's Resolutions," which is all you would like to happen in the coming months, and that should materialize as a result of hard work, quiet and cool on our front only theoretical. Stendiamo un velo pietoso.
Tralascio la critica alla ragionevolezza logica di ciò per riservarla al BOOM finale, e passiamo all'esame dei propositi in sé e per sé. Prima, però, vorrei specificare che ciò che leggerete scaturisce da una semplice ricerca su google (quindi da testimonianze reali) e -ebbene sì- dal film "Il diario di Bridget Jones", e non -solo- dal mio spirito dissacrante. *coro di buuuuuuu*
Al top (<- muahahahahah) della classifica dei goals più gettonati vi è sicuramente una tie (vuol dire che ce ne sono due): il primo è "perdere peso". L'entità di peso da perdere varia da persona a persona, e il range sembra estendersi più or less from 100g to 100kg. Well, first let me say to those who want to lose 100,500,800 go down there that may well do so by cutting their hair or stop drinking for a whole day. And for all that follow, perhaps, so there we raise from the walk. Secondly, I ask you: are you taking the piss? If not, you need to lose weight for a plate of penne in white? To round the figure, so you can go around saying that you carry the 37 instead of 38 (never MY GOD!)? Well I tell you two things: 1) eat folders, are good, and 2) as H & M to 37 do not have it, then it is useless to go screaming around with as much anxiety waiting for the new collection of underwear leopard, because we will enter four times. For those who want to lose a ton (of course I am referring to those who earn too much out of laziness or gluttony): my darlings, I know that you had to think twice to use up stocks of calzoncelli (and nougat, famous!) Of all the grandmothers the neighborhood. So, instead of scraping the bottom of your reserves of willpower writing on a piece pink fragrant, turn up the ass (by tombola 2010) and take in some calisthenics, even the sweet up and down is good (100 points to those who recognize the noble quote).
The second objective coveted by / the kids / and is "put cn ql / qlla great Figo / *****!!!! to 111!" also known version of the over-16 as "finding the right person to love." But the substance is the same. I could begin a long and Pallosa digression on this subject (and, rest assured, sooner or later I will), but I can only say: If there has cagati in 2010, will not do so even in 2011, and buy yourself a nice vibrator you'll be pleased.
Other common purposes are: to succeed at school, start to play sports or play an instrument, learn a new language (? ...), ok, help others, to visit a particular place.
I want to mention sheer will to take the piss out of others whose testimony I found: the victory of some end character of Big Brother (resulting in virtual fights, the worst kind), winning the league by his team, and re-crowned the nonsense-achieve their goals. Maccome?! We're talking half an hour of the objectives to be asked before getting drunk with Fontanafredda, and this comes out with is shit?! Is called "tautology" and call the second merciful veil of the day.
Note: This is all stuff bbuona, no doubt, is the attitude with which it appropinqua to be wrong. We tend to rely totally to chance, fate, waiting to be the 'year "(something I have to write ...) to materialize from nowhere to the boyfriend or the perfect diet. But how could it ever be logically possible? Do not want to sound cynical and pessimistic: there are the blows to her ass, maybe they are few, but sooner or later happen to all (see who gets bingo! How I envy them!), But you also have initiative. We must act, gentlemen, ACT. So put away the pen with the fuschia feathers and do something useful: it changes a year, frolic and celebrate, grow and multiply (not public), but in the end the only thing that changes is itself a figure (\u0026lt; - muahahahah) the date of the tasks in the classroom.

rereading I realized that it turned out more serious than I expected:
boys CONGAA ! (\u0026lt;- Click that)

PS we apologize for the lack of well ... 4 days! We have been engaged in eating the nougat and unwrapped gifts (eeeeh! XD).
We hope that you did too.
And, if those who were wondering, no, not this year I had the Nouvelle Cuisine.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Horderves For A Wedding



On 24 January 2011 at 9:30 am at the Criminal Court of Forlì begins the process for the odious crime of AGGRAVATED WEAR BANK, for centuries and social evil scourge social. As usual, the major newspapers do not give the news, although of character and national interest.

As one of the few occasions that happen in Italy

so hypocritical and disinterested with the real problems of entrepreneurs and small businesses primarily (too many people forget that Italy is based on microeconomics ), so it is one of the few occasions where a small business (NISI brother Antonio and Third NISI) has succeeded in making the criminal trial of two former legal representatives stranotissima

Italian bank and a former branch manager (if you wear if they have forgotten is required by law as a crime since 1930 [Rocco code, Keeper of Mussolini (grandfather)]

like a robbery or murder, to make the idea), where wear aggravated bank nestled in the current account (current account that account is that a person has in the bank, usually always in red, the bank from which periodically extracts of leaves of white or colored paper, but not watermarked calling them statements and sends them to its account holders.

I most deprived opened the envelope and look at the balance

may decide to do, if trash, keep them, pass them to the accounting personnel, the less naive trying to figure it out, among other papers usually written with characters small, in the midst of various glossy advertising (such as toothpaste clear that illuminates the mind), but they often give up very trusting of their bank. In many when they talk of the bank where they have their own account

define it improperly or not "my bank" in a tone of voice gotone. In those papers nest bank, as opposed usury but do not see [as an example to understand all, is the opposite of our politicians, wear black, wear marks (this is a rather technical name or would like to know where his money gone, or understand why it failed, or
understand why his house was auctioned, or even understand why even though a small debts We will do our never fails to extinguish, or understand why it failed save in 200 years not a single penny
(with the euro even worse) is one of the few occasions that the captain
in their lives can attend a public criminal trial (
criminal trials generally are public and not you pay the ticket) where both parties, that is to say that we are all parts of the prosecutor is the one who supports the charges against those individuals
(legal representatives of the bank and branch manager) who are in the dock,
there are lawyers who defend accused the trust of their work,
there are witnesses, the criminal court is composed of the president who is at the center and
right to a court and a judge on the left, is counsel for the complainant and injured party
(ie six sigg.ri Nisi), there are advisers of the defendants,
is the consultant appointed by the public prosecutor I'm there as a consultant part
the injured party, is cited as a witness that as a CTP.
Therefore, it is likely that some or many mysteries incomprehensible mysteries of being able to understand or groped
to understand where you hide and / or where lurks unseen and occult wear banking,
submerged, disguised contained in the statements alleged that the bank has periodically sent to those complainants
many entrepreneurs, citizens, consumers, students, teachers / professors and university students and professors
also were motivated by curiosity to discover these mysteries,
and hear with their ears and see with your own eyes, though not as many
the national newspapers have not the slightest intention of giving this kind of news,
in a transversal way, shared by the Berlusconi family are the ones that left, things were much more
important to do, then when they see this by the gagging, and often
someone brings up the art. 21 of the constitution, there are those who want an encore. About
to date has never been able to understand anything or consumer groups,
or by their lawyers, or from their accountants, consultants, or by the receivers, or the hairdresser
of trust may participate in this process and will satisfied. The Movement
5 star Cesena in this regard has arranged an interview,
seen on youtube at the following link:

Cube Field Runner Cube Runner/field Fans?

Ehm...aspetta...che dovevo dire? che giorno è oggi?

Ah yes! You Natalee!


And remember! There are many side effects to the birth of the Messiah John Luke and Matthew!
1. Pain post-partum
2. Stretch marks
3. As we can see-blasphemy
4. Postpartum depression
5. Hanno scoperto che il panettone Maina è radioattivo, ecco perchè buttati che è morbido!
6. L'albero di plastica nel salotto è cancerogeno
7. L'albero vero porta i microbi della Svezia, visto che l'avete comprato tutti dall'Ikea
8. INGRASSERETE COME PORCI! E farete -di conseguenza- una brutta fine per il cenone del 31.

Detto questo, un bacio, e godetevi le feste (anche perchè presto torna KMM!)! MUAHAHAHAHAAAH

Monday, December 20, 2010

How Long Does Hematoma Takes To Dissolve

Letterina a Babbo Natale

"Dear Santa,

know that I have not always behaved well this year, but I want you to take me all the things you ask in this letter. I would like:

1. Action Man version of "Adventures in Diving Titicaca"

2. T King packs of Pokemon trading cards of

3. A hamster

4. A puppy

5. A baby whale

6. A family of possums

7. An incinerator homes Barbie

8. The videotape of the movie Santa Bear

9. A new case

10. Una cartella nuova

11. Un cannocchiale

12. Un Game boy Color

13. Una sciarpa carina, che quelle che mi regala zia sono brutte

14. La foresta di Robin Hood

15. La spada di Re Artù

16. A piano

17. A drum

18. The book of Harry Potter magic!

19. A box of Lego

20. A pack of Harry Potter Lego

21. A skunk

22. A new cousin

23. A pair of sunglasses

24. A book of Roal Dahl

25. The 313 Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse 113

26. Tic-Toc, the crocodile from Peter Pan that ticks

27. The Three Little Pigs

28. The big bad wolf

29. A pair of scissors from the rounded tip

30. The box Fabbricone

31. A bottle of Blümel

32. A Hun

33. One Schifidol

34. A supermarket

35. A city

36. An empire

37. Even a small village

38. A treble clef

39. The wardrobe that leads to (G) Nar (g) nei

40. If you can lift it and carry it, Biancagnocca

41. Condensed milk (?)

42. A wig!

43. The Hook Captain Hook

44. A box of candy "All tastes +1"

45. Una bomboletta di gas esilarante

46. Un palloncino di elio


48. Un bey-blade (da regalare a Livia )

49. Un dentrifricio al cioccolato

50. I peli sotto le ascelle

51. A new bike

52. A lemon tree

53. One of your reindeer

54. A bubble gum-flavored cake with blueberries

55. soot (?)

56. A pocket scale

57. The molars and premolars that I have fallen

58. A clock

59. A monkey

60. an elf to help do the housework

61. A remote-controlled toy car

62. Umbrella speaking of Mary Poppins

63. A dinosaur skeleton

64. A raccoon

65. Un binocolo

66. Un quadrifoglio

67. Un porcellino salvadanaio

68. Monopoli

69. Una tetta in silicone

70. Tanti soldi

Spero che mi porterai tutto, anche perché ho written less than last year so things seem better and I'm not your friend Befana brings the coal. Thanks


Federico "

Although it seems incredible, the vast majority of the things listed are truly gifts that I asked in my Christmas letters. Of course, not even a tenth part was delivered, but I did not give up and every year I always asked the most difficult things to find (call me stupid ...). However, I tried to allisciarmelo Babbino well: there are chili of cookies and gallons of milk on the kitchen table. But I found myself regularly for good cookies stored in the cupboard and the bottle of milk, yet full, cool in the fridge.

from this unfortunate episode, I understood many things (sigh, sob) and I developed a wonderful project that will put in place when I am teacher in elementary school (which is the last job I will ever do in my life, and I will do only for a personal vendetta with no apparent sense).

The question is: PCCHÉ? No, not true: D

The question to you is: you never wanted have a skunk that rotates freely about the house?

Be ', and what are you waiting?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Msds Palmolive Dish Soap

(Caro Babbo Natale...)^2

- twelve year old boy : "The classic gives you a future."

- former student of grammar school : "Yes, to make it in aorist. "
(by Wiki)

In short, there was the matter of outstanding gifts ...
Raise your hand if you at least once wrote to his uncle in Lapland. People who raised their hands, lift your other hand and begin to sing. Who really did, please close the window. JOKES! Instead you have to read.
MBE, I personally do some letter I wrote, I continued to do so when Santa Claus has become in Babbo...e basta, e ho cominciato, da gran furbona, ad aggiungere clausole del tipo "se non costa troppo", oppure "visto che ti voglio tanto bene". In realtà, temo che tutta quella gioia infantile sia stata sprecata, immaginando lo sguardo sperduto di papà davanti alla richiesta di "la casa di Barbie a castello con l'ascensore la camera da letto e la cucina e la vasca dabbagno ti prego ti prego ti pregoooo! *-*". Perchè, diciamocelo chiaro, qual è...devo usare il passato? Sì, sono vecchia...qual'era il regalo più ambito dalle piccine quando piccina lo ero anch'io?? La casa di Baaaaaaarbie. Oppure Baaaaaarbie. Oppure Keeeeen, nel caso dei baby-Kurt. O comunque roba che aveva a che fare con questa famiglia molto original, consisting of a truckload of sisters, apparently self-generated, which promptly became our daughters head-legitimate or not, kidnapped or abducted-to BBarbie (but not Ken, because that was the boyfriend sterile). Surely there shall offend noir note of that statement of mine: I can say with certainty that in all my Barbie-play there was a kidnapping, an accident, someone falling off a cliff (from the table to the floor ...) , someone who was invested by the campers (and yes, they were also pink slippers), a cholera epidemic, someone who worked as a prostitute (Ken in the first place), someone (the Trimona Barbie, usually) that slid down from the tank (which was always three feet off the ground, and together with the lineup unreliable, as blame her?), and many other beautiful things. If you are the only-but-I do not think that he did it, please tell.
the second most requested instead of gifts by the girls was the Nouvelle Cuisine (and all the imitations that followed then. ..). There, now I want to open a parenthesis here very seriously and make an appeal (get out those smiles!):
To all the parents who were unwilling to buy their daughters Nouvelle Cuisine
(i Mine are included):
absolutely do not want to know le ragioni 
che vi hanno spinto a questo folle gesto,
potrà essere stato il prezzo eccessivo, oppure 
-come nel mio caso- il "eddovelodobbiamomettere?",
ma vorrei semplicemente invitare tutti voi 
a non lamentarvi se l'unico caffè che sa fare vostra
figlia è quello della Peppina, e se, entrando 
in cucina dopo averle chiesto di cucinare
a pasta dish, the devastated found as a refugee camp.
not blame the "new generation"
to "changing times", to " seasons, and
"I was your age already sacrificed to Zeus the cows!"
why, my dear sirs, is all your fault:
if you had put your daughter in front of the stove, though plastic,
since childhood, she would not have squeezed his
mini-brains on intricate webs of Barbie,
and-raised-not once would have preferred turn
a remake of Da Vinci Code in his room
rather than helping her grandmother make the orecchiette.

Let us, therefore, the ward boys, on which are not as iron, but I do what I can: I certainly remember anything in particular with which my classmates in elementary I smashed the soul. The Pokemon, Digimon, Beyblade (which according to them were the "bebbléid"), that damned ActionMan (read "asciommèn"), and that the Hotwheels cacatona (TUONI! FLASHES! Sandstorm!) Dragonball (porcammèrda not Mark me as a unknown word! -.-). The first two did not express myself, because I liked them well, asd. On the third ... well ... you know ... I massacred the above! Sure enough I was there I wanted to do something intellectual, I opened the book and my eyes darted under a somewhat cozzala Spinning the conformation. My beloved companions trottoleggiare spent hours and hours, and challenged each other, and did fight, and made peace, and "mine is faster!" And "do not know to run well, you suck! It does so! ". Well, no, I will say that the turn were doing fine. I lay on the poor ActionMan a veil, as by "big-cool-with-the-chest-and-bandana-the-military" became miserable boyfriend of Barbie, in the absence of Ken, and in the presence of a younger sister , so instead of climbing mountains and killing cops as he was promised by advertising, had to take her shopping at the mall with pink beetle. Ehhh, are things. The tracks with cars were-let's face it-the only which travels back. I remember all of them yearn for Christmas, between 6 and 10 years, but I never had the courage to ask why they were "from male", sob sob. As for the last ... a-hem ... although I had never watched a single second, some time ago I would be able to recite the plot (elaboratissima. ..-.-) by heart! And we want to talk about the characters discutibilissimi, that if you were able to draw Silvia Ziche the poor? One with blue hair named Paraculo easily, and one that grew the hair against all physical law and logic? I have the terrible memory of those friends who always spoke of "levels", and when they drew the guy with the hair a bit 'higher than they said "nooo this is centocinquantottesimo level! ".
I am not surprised that Santa has elves preferred the Brazilian. Now do not contact WikiLeaks, though!

thank much for the 1000 visits,
in particular the Braveheart who visited the blog
tonight at 5:00: contact me, because he won
a blender steam.
If I do find 1000 also comments
I also think a third chapter.
* chorus of "machitticaaaagaaaaa *

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What Is The Name Of Kate Playground

Caro Babbo Natale...

" Oh, Miss! MISS! "
(F. Sgagliozzo, a fire that went to the head)

See the spot of a bat you dance on TV is suspicious. When whole sectors dell'Auchan cut to make way for Barbie furniture, you have the suspect. The ninja Santas climb on the balcony I'll say clearly: it's Christmas time!

This, of course, makes us immediately think of the preparations for the holidays!

The first thing that is spared is the tree: true, plastic, fake snow with the above, it does not matter, what matters is that "see." And down to move furniture, make plans, calculate perspective, to find the point of maximum visibility for the tree: 99% of the time was to meters and meters away from the electrical outlet, which requires acrobrazie (peggiori di quelle per collegare il caricabatterie del cell senza alzarsi dal letto) per collegare le luci. Mandato a casa il circo Orfei, eccola lì! La prima lampadina fulminata della stagione, gentilmente accompagnata dalle gasteme di mamma. Una volta convintala del fatto che “no, non si vede, e non è tutto da rifare, no mettilo via il defibrillatore!”, si passa alle decorazioni vere e proprie, e sovviene il dubbio eterno: di che colore lo facciamo? Ogni anno si vuole osare, andare oltre gli stereotipi, superare il modello dell’anno precedente, si arriva addirittura a consultare la Wintour per un consiglio di dubbio valore per poi optare, sconsolati, per il mestamente natalizio rosso-oro (ora non smontate all the trees because you feel embarrassed about!). At this point you call the architect of the first to find strategic points of the tree where to put the balls, so that there are too bare spaces and spaces too shot-peened. For a physical law, on time at least one escapes and becomes a smash on the floor, to which the mother does not know whether to burst out crying and organize a funeral or plan to you, and, no, do not give a damn if it's Ikea : if in doubt, hide behind the TV.

Well, once the tree placed the fateful day arrives quickly! And I'm not to speak of preparations for the Christmas lunch or dinner, because my lack of experience in stops me, but when we pass Syssitia real!

We set aside the quarrels between various aunts and uncles who took over for lasagna, and between you and your grandmother, who insists tumbler for about a fifth slice of meat (or else is offended!) And pass the highlight of the day: -when a child (because if you do it again, please, invite me) - it took away from his mouth to recite the Pandoro stacked on a chair (because otherwise the head of the table by his grandfather could not see, even if the table had four seats), the "poetry", which promptly provided:
  • snow in abundance, even at Bread and Tomato (Christmas, everything is possible!)
  • a sudden and unlikely change of personality, which transformed the world in the fan club of Maria Teresa of Calcutta (Embee is the magic of Christmas!)
  • absolutely inevitable ... the bells! Could be bells, bells, bells, but there was always, and-apparently-sound continuously (most argue that it was all a scam of ENT, because his grandfather on time if they came out with "but not with IE ji i seng? ", and away from the doctor).
  • and, of course, gifts! But stay tuned ..;)

Most Powerful Desktop 2010

enter the Chamber of Deputies in "wheelchair" for vote of no confidence!

................ What a pathetic hope that the unborn child will never the criminal lawyer !!!!!

Avv.Ugo Fanuzzi

Major League Soccer Tryouts

Berlusconi government: - "THE AGENDA OF THE GREAT "..... not gone!!

Fini, Casini & company that .................. look bad for the country !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Propylene Glycol On Hair

Se costretto, scrivo cose di cui poi mi vergogno

Since I have explicitly asked to write something because KissMyMicia is your favorite afternoon stop-gap (Many thanks to all of you), m'invento something.

Did you know? Onions, if you eat hot and humid d, can enhance sexual intercourse.
Did you know? If you try to draw circles with your right foot (left if you are a loser lefties) and in the meantime try to write your name hand (the most beautiful you have), you can not.
Did you know? Recent studies suggest that Picasso was an ethnic Roma And that makes him a Picasso-Rom.
Did you know? Messages not sE-S-ubliminali mpre are easy to spot-X-imi.

So this morning, number 11 months 12 Anno Domini 2010, just arrived in that street Pizzoli, what, tell me, what, indovinatemi, what are we going to find?
Coincidentally arrived at the same time at school, me and Liviella-always-nice surprise and we are overwhelmed by a terrible sound that hurts us both ears. Comparable to the cry of a reindeer that Santa has crushed the scrotum with the shoes of the slide. O the night song of a shepherd's drunk from the steppe.
In short: a type COZZALO, COZZALA in a car that drove so well COZZALA, listened to his radio COZZALA COZZALO a singer who sang a song COZZALMENTE CARINA. No, joke, well that was COZZALA. Unfortunately and regrettably say, we are not experts and we have not recognized the title, and stupidly we have not even had time to ask the COZZALO that one already was gone.
no. And, comma, for this point, in fact, comma, we are not, comma, now, comma, able - nor can we ever be ... I feel like crying - to offer you a song so pathetic (end of free interpretation).
While not leave you unsatisfied, I got a little treasure to help you enjoy all . Ringraziatemi.

Just to close in a decent (I think it is necessary ...), a pearl of Richard Thompson, who so well I tell you, I do not know, Besht.

And another still, take a culture.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Best Dragonball Doujinshi

5 Stars - Cesena - bank tried to wear

Quello che i giornali a livello nazionale non scrivono ed occultano
in maniera vergognosa
Le notizie sono un diritto costituzionale di tutti

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Where To Geta Lost Immunization Card Ontario


CE ok, no, I prefer too much else Sonorahhh, cè sono troppo il nettare, altro che sto cexxo!" 
(bImBeTtA_sTiLoSa98 su "Zeugma") 
Buonasera a tutti! Ciò che mi spinge a scrivere stasera è il bisogno di pensare a qualcosa che non abbia a che fare con il cielo che piove (un bacio alla finezza!) kez end dogs.
Parliamo diii...Glìì! *urrà generali*
E sei sul 53 e senti canticchiare Don't stop believing, metti il naso nel mio armadio e ci ritrovi la manona, ormai pure enrico papi si cieca l'occhio per strompettare "Glitaliaunoo!" (ahimè, cruel world), something is happening!
No, not the nitrous oxide emitted by our processes (the cexxooooo!). And 'that Glee has breaded and fried your brain!
Pure mine is finished in a pan, and I wonder why the Socratic. If you think about it, not having a perfectly consistent and plot can be attended, that is, in reality it seems that nobody is the shit. "But why are the songs that count!" Say you. Are partly in agreement: some covers are pretty crap (Poker Face in the \u0026lt;3), but most are the original bases with acutoni Rachel and darting inches of Merzedes (\u0026lt;- second kiss on the subtle differences!) .
E' arrivato il momento tanto temuto. Secondo me (vi vedo già tornare col naso su farmville, se non l'avevate già fatto prima), è la sfigataggine dei personaggi che fa il successo del telefilm, per quanto tentino di farli sembrare sempre più fighi di episodio in episodio. Ma insomma, vogliamo prendere una Brittany, che dice 5 parole ad episodio, e tutte sono legate al campo semantico degli uccelli, ed urlano all'assenteismo mentale? Ora è one hell of una ballerina, eppure passa ancora l'estate nelle fognature. Oppure Finn, sorta di quarterback, zitato alla capa delle signorine pon-pon (che con lui fa la Madonna dell'Incoronata e poi la distribuisce in giro come le briciole ai piccioni, della peggior specie!), that the shoulder and interactive singing 80 songs in the shower. And Puck? And Santana? And Dean?
And of course Rachel (I saved it for last because I was more sad jokes to mind). Encouraged several times in sterilized repeatedly sprayed by milkshake, constant threat of physical violence and verbal, she continues to put the star next to their name. And post videos on myspace, its failure to meet the many suitors. And to think that the socks are fashionable, or sexy.
Gentlemen, if not she is a heroine ...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How To Find The Age Of A Bottle Johnny Walker


" So Well But then, after it was generated, not only humans but also, in any case it seems that, for men today, it will still be a political animal is finally it. "
(Aristotle, trans. edited by M. Romano)
I wisely decided to pouring out the sovrappresente citation to enrich your souls dry and tasteless, to make a brilliant and why falls within the topic I want to talk today. * Applause *
Last night, as I think of a zillion other people, I finally saw erripottereidonidellamorte. Part 1. Yes, yes it was time.
Very nice, lots of action, so ammoureh, I was excited when Dobby died, etc.. [Follow the usual considerations to review leccaculo]
cut, then, the part where I make the radical chic and pretend to know how to be a journalist with the snobbish thinking that reviews to be more of everything and pussy all, and really spend appearance profound and instructive evening. His figure, in fact.
Let me explain: I am strongly convinced that the place and the context in which you watch a film has a strong impact on on it. Well, I always see them in movies Bari, so willed there where is power to do what you want. Which means that I see along with Bari. Then, if the film in question is Harry Potter, or another aimed at an audience of cciovani , well ... ok, no comments yet worthy. Put also my brazen luck going to catch more and more folk elements, and this is what comes out. C, D, Ciak, ACTION!

- before the film -
A: "No ok, but if you see the first films were very beautiful
then began to be made a bit 'worse ...
B: "Yeah, because the books were longer and then had to retract
many events in a few hours ... "
- the lights go down -
* whistles, applause, screams, verses unidentified *
- appears Scrimgeour (the first scene) -
A: "Aho but there is trmon study?"
B: "oh but uagliò t tag the capidd vue?"
- scene of the transfer of Harry, Hedwig is hit -
A: "iiih calls u acidd ie muerte!"
- Ron praises The Tales of Beedle the Bard -
A: "But cuss ste auandat own!"
- scene of the marriage of Bill and Fleur -
B: "Mo c ste tost chess!"
A: "Oh, chiamind to chiamind ched ched in!"
- Harry and Hermione in the dance tent, it is the delusion -
A: "Com you piaaaaaaaasc"
B: "Tanda u acidd Semb muerte i !
- Ron realizes that he has seen the patronus is a doe and a stag -
Ron: "Ah, yes, the horns!"
A or B: "Eh, that even thou the corn tin!"
- Harry and Hermione are attacked by Nagini, they all shit in
and later, to make cool
* applause, whistles, verses unidentified *
- Lovegood The trio is at home, slams the door Xenophilius -
B: "u ma romb?"
- Voldemort apre la tomba di Silente -
A: "Mòòò cus angor la ten la varv!"
Fine .

Sono tutti commenti di gente seduta intorno a me, ci devo mettere il copyright?
Ripigghiatevi così'.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mario Salieri For Iphone

Diciamo che siete stati bravi...

... so ... test ! : D and we start from the historical factor is necessary and sufficient;)
Postscript: I did not want to look for a way to make a real test, and was even less nice, and then the Quakers with eve pen and paper to sunlight!

Q ow p axions c 'you ?
1. You are in your car with him
A Soft Light of mobile phones and romantic kisses.
B Santa pumice stone!
touched C A f * ga.
2. you in your room on a winter evening:
caste to cuddle in your bed.
B Kisses and hugs.
CP * mpe hot under the covers.
3. Tomorrow is your mesiversario! To buy amaze:
A pink bonbons
C anal stimulator for two.
4. As background for your first time:
For Always A - E. Ramazzotti
B Kiss again - Jovanotti
I like big C - Elisa Elettra
5. In palestra, il tuo istruttore è sulla cavallina:
A Arrossisci e ti copri gli occhi
B Ma quanto pacco c'ha?
C Ti sostituisci alla cavallina.
Maggioranza di A : PICCIONE IN GABBIA
Non sfrutti la tua sessualità perchè molto probabilmente
a six stops. If you've got it, use it.

Majority B: KISS MY cat
Sai-check your libido, and this is not always okay.
Some break. Rampant.

are the queen and all the pleasures you seek.
can give private lessons to Cicciolina sex.

Kiss Of course I have my cat: D write your results rather than cheat! asd