- twelve year old boy : "The classic gives you a future."
- former student of grammar school : "Yes, to make it in aorist. "
(by Wiki)
In short, there was the matter of outstanding gifts ... |
MBE, I personally do some letter I wrote, I continued to do so when Santa Claus has become in Babbo...e basta, e ho cominciato, da gran furbona, ad aggiungere clausole del tipo "se non costa troppo", oppure "visto che ti voglio tanto bene". In realtà, temo che tutta quella gioia infantile sia stata sprecata, immaginando lo sguardo sperduto di papà davanti alla richiesta di "la casa di Barbie a castello con l'ascensore la camera da letto e la cucina e la vasca dabbagno ti prego ti prego ti pregoooo! *-*". Perchè, diciamocelo chiaro, qual è...devo usare il passato? Sì, sono vecchia...qual'era il regalo più ambito dalle piccine quando piccina lo ero anch'io?? La casa di Baaaaaaarbie. Oppure Baaaaaarbie. Oppure Keeeeen, nel caso dei baby-Kurt. O comunque roba che aveva a che fare con questa famiglia molto original, consisting of a truckload of sisters, apparently self-generated, which promptly became our daughters head-legitimate or not, kidnapped or abducted-to BBarbie (but not Ken, because that was the boyfriend sterile). Surely there shall offend noir note of that statement of mine: I can say with certainty that in all my Barbie-play there was a kidnapping, an accident, someone falling off a cliff (from the table to the floor ...) , someone who was invested by the campers (and yes, they were also pink slippers), a cholera epidemic, someone who worked as a prostitute (Ken in the first place), someone (the Trimona Barbie, usually) that slid down from the tank (which was always three feet off the ground, and together with the lineup unreliable, as blame her?), and many other beautiful things. If you are the only-but-I do not think that he did it, please tell.
the second most requested instead of gifts by the girls was the Nouvelle Cuisine (and all the imitations that followed then. ..). There, now I want to open a parenthesis here very seriously and make an appeal (get out those smiles!):
To all the parents who were unwilling to buy their daughters Nouvelle Cuisine
(i Mine are included):
absolutely do not want to know le ragioni
che vi hanno spinto a questo folle gesto,
che vi hanno spinto a questo folle gesto,
potrà essere stato il prezzo eccessivo, oppure
-come nel mio caso- il "eddovelodobbiamomettere?",
-come nel mio caso- il "eddovelodobbiamomettere?",
ma vorrei semplicemente invitare tutti voi
a non lamentarvi se l'unico caffè che sa fare vostra
a non lamentarvi se l'unico caffè che sa fare vostra
figlia è quello della Peppina, e se, entrando
in cucina dopo averle chiesto di cucinare
in cucina dopo averle chiesto di cucinare
a pasta dish, the devastated found as a refugee camp.
not blame the "new generation"
to "changing times", to " seasons, and
to "changing times", to " seasons, and
"I was your age already sacrificed to Zeus the cows!"
why, my dear sirs, is all your fault:
if you had put your daughter in front of the stove, though plastic,
why, my dear sirs, is all your fault:
if you had put your daughter in front of the stove, though plastic,
since childhood, she would not have squeezed his
mini-brains on intricate webs of Barbie,
mini-brains on intricate webs of Barbie,
and-raised-not once would have preferred turn
a remake of Da Vinci Code in his room
a remake of Da Vinci Code in his room
rather than helping her grandmother make the orecchiette.
Let us, therefore, the ward boys, on which are not as iron, but I do what I can: I certainly remember anything in particular with which my classmates in elementary I smashed the soul. The Pokemon, Digimon, Beyblade (which according to them were the "bebbléid"), that damned ActionMan (read "asciommèn"), and that the Hotwheels cacatona (TUONI! FLASHES! Sandstorm!) Dragonball (porcammèrda not Mark me as a unknown word! -.-). The first two did not express myself, because I liked them well, asd. On the third ... well ... you know ... I massacred the above! Sure enough I was there I wanted to do something intellectual, I opened the book and my eyes darted under a somewhat cozzala Spinning the conformation. My beloved companions trottoleggiare spent hours and hours, and challenged each other, and did fight, and made peace, and "mine is faster!" And "do not know to run well, you suck! It does so! ". Well, no, I will say that the turn were doing fine. I lay on the poor ActionMan a veil, as by "big-cool-with-the-chest-and-bandana-the-military" became miserable boyfriend of Barbie, in the absence of Ken, and in the presence of a younger sister , so instead of climbing mountains and killing cops as he was promised by advertising, had to take her shopping at the mall with pink beetle. Ehhh, are things. The tracks with cars were-let's face it-the only which travels back. I remember all of them yearn for Christmas, between 6 and 10 years, but I never had the courage to ask why they were "from male", sob sob. As for the last ... a-hem ... although I had never watched a single second, some time ago I would be able to recite the plot (elaboratissima. ..-.-) by heart! And we want to talk about the characters discutibilissimi, that if you were able to draw Silvia Ziche the poor? One with blue hair named Paraculo easily, and one that grew the hair against all physical law and logic? I have the terrible memory of those friends who always spoke of "levels", and when they drew the guy with the hair a bit 'higher than they said "nooo this is centocinquantottesimo level! ".
I am not surprised that Santa has elves preferred the Brazilian. Now do not contact WikiLeaks, though!
I am not surprised that Santa has elves preferred the Brazilian. Now do not contact WikiLeaks, though!
thank much for the 1000 visits,
in particular the Braveheart who visited the blog
tonight at 5:00: contact me, because he won
a blender steam.
If I do find 1000 also comments
I also think a third chapter.
* chorus of "machitticaaaagaaaaa *
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