Since I have explicitly asked to write something because KissMyMicia is your favorite afternoon stop-gap (Many thanks to all of you), m'invento something.
Did you know? Onions, if you eat hot and humid d, can enhance sexual intercourse.
Did you know? If you try to draw circles with your right foot (left if you are a loser lefties) and in the meantime try to write your name hand (the most beautiful you have), you can not.
Did you know? Recent studies suggest that Picasso was an ethnic Roma And that makes him a Picasso-Rom.
Did you know? Messages not sE-S-ubliminali mpre are easy to spot-X-imi.
So this morning, number 11 months 12 Anno Domini 2010, just arrived in that street Pizzoli, what, tell me, what, indovinatemi, what are we going to find?
Coincidentally arrived at the same time at school, me and Liviella-always-nice surprise and we are overwhelmed by a terrible sound that hurts us both ears. Comparable to the cry of a reindeer that Santa has crushed the scrotum with the shoes of the slide. O the night song of a shepherd's drunk from the steppe.
In short: a type COZZALO, COZZALA in a car that drove so well COZZALA, listened to his radio COZZALA COZZALO a singer who sang a song COZZALMENTE CARINA. No, joke, well that was COZZALA. Unfortunately and regrettably say, we are not experts and we have not recognized the title, and stupidly we have not even had time to ask the COZZALO that one already was gone.
no. And, comma, for this point, in fact, comma, we are not, comma, now, comma, able - nor can we ever be ... I feel like crying - to offer you a song so pathetic (end of free interpretation).
While not leave you unsatisfied, I got a little treasure to help you enjoy all . Ringraziatemi.
Just to close in a decent (I think it is necessary ...), a pearl of Richard Thompson, who so well I tell you, I do not know, Besht.

And another still, take a culture.

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