Saturday, December 25, 2010

Horderves For A Wedding



On 24 January 2011 at 9:30 am at the Criminal Court of Forlì begins the process for the odious crime of AGGRAVATED WEAR BANK, for centuries and social evil scourge social. As usual, the major newspapers do not give the news, although of character and national interest.

As one of the few occasions that happen in Italy

so hypocritical and disinterested with the real problems of entrepreneurs and small businesses primarily (too many people forget that Italy is based on microeconomics ), so it is one of the few occasions where a small business (NISI brother Antonio and Third NISI) has succeeded in making the criminal trial of two former legal representatives stranotissima

Italian bank and a former branch manager (if you wear if they have forgotten is required by law as a crime since 1930 [Rocco code, Keeper of Mussolini (grandfather)]

like a robbery or murder, to make the idea), where wear aggravated bank nestled in the current account (current account that account is that a person has in the bank, usually always in red, the bank from which periodically extracts of leaves of white or colored paper, but not watermarked calling them statements and sends them to its account holders.

I most deprived opened the envelope and look at the balance

may decide to do, if trash, keep them, pass them to the accounting personnel, the less naive trying to figure it out, among other papers usually written with characters small, in the midst of various glossy advertising (such as toothpaste clear that illuminates the mind), but they often give up very trusting of their bank. In many when they talk of the bank where they have their own account

define it improperly or not "my bank" in a tone of voice gotone. In those papers nest bank, as opposed usury but do not see [as an example to understand all, is the opposite of our politicians, wear black, wear marks (this is a rather technical name or would like to know where his money gone, or understand why it failed, or
understand why his house was auctioned, or even understand why even though a small debts We will do our never fails to extinguish, or understand why it failed save in 200 years not a single penny
(with the euro even worse) is one of the few occasions that the captain
in their lives can attend a public criminal trial (
criminal trials generally are public and not you pay the ticket) where both parties, that is to say that we are all parts of the prosecutor is the one who supports the charges against those individuals
(legal representatives of the bank and branch manager) who are in the dock,
there are lawyers who defend accused the trust of their work,
there are witnesses, the criminal court is composed of the president who is at the center and
right to a court and a judge on the left, is counsel for the complainant and injured party
(ie six sigg.ri Nisi), there are advisers of the defendants,
is the consultant appointed by the public prosecutor I'm there as a consultant part
the injured party, is cited as a witness that as a CTP.
Therefore, it is likely that some or many mysteries incomprehensible mysteries of being able to understand or groped
to understand where you hide and / or where lurks unseen and occult wear banking,
submerged, disguised contained in the statements alleged that the bank has periodically sent to those complainants
many entrepreneurs, citizens, consumers, students, teachers / professors and university students and professors
also were motivated by curiosity to discover these mysteries,
and hear with their ears and see with your own eyes, though not as many
the national newspapers have not the slightest intention of giving this kind of news,
in a transversal way, shared by the Berlusconi family are the ones that left, things were much more
important to do, then when they see this by the gagging, and often
someone brings up the art. 21 of the constitution, there are those who want an encore. About
to date has never been able to understand anything or consumer groups,
or by their lawyers, or from their accountants, consultants, or by the receivers, or the hairdresser
of trust may participate in this process and will satisfied. The Movement
5 star Cesena in this regard has arranged an interview,
seen on youtube at the following link:


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