DISCLAIMER: I apologize to my colleague and all of you for having published a short distance from the last post, but I felt the need. I would also warn you that this will be a serious corner: if you are looking for easy laughs and argument overlay, however, does not interest you, quit and return safely to your business (which, however, is always, so I wrote obvious).
Before we begin, I would like to inform you, dear reader, I share your fear: I I'm afraid to write the usual platitudes on education, which is all wrong, I fear for my future, and so on. All the things we've heard a million times by people who wrote of them feel a million times, but he wanted to write the same. However I am of sound democratic principles, and the idea, then, that a chance should I have her, and who loves me follow me.
The final push to write me up was the study session this afternoon: Study the Alessandro Manzoni, and I must say that the flashes of lesson that I followed - I shall return to this sore point - I was a lot like (and is already so ...)! In short, excited tone, enthusiasm for the riots, the incitement of the masses, all strong stuff! Nothing but mercenaries and spinning! However, given the method of study to which we are moved - and I will come back on this - the Manzoni me are studied in the true sense of the word only today, and everything went great until I have become to the following paragraph (who does part of the class will raise his eyes to heaven) is taken from a popular textbook, at least in my part.
" With great clarity, he argues that the Church's origin is not human but divine, and then Christian morality must be measured on the ground absolute perfection and truth. Well, Catholic morality is superior to any secular morality because it is the only perfect being more real, more stable, more secure, not subject to historical relativity and variety of costumes. The proceedings consistent, polished, tightly argumentative (...)"
There was talk of the opera "Observations on Catholic morality." This leads (with too many words) to the first point: the excessive love of formalism. But step by step.
I was unpleasantly crowded out by the words given, because it seems to spicchino the flight of the size of any reasoning sliding, leading to the terrible scourge of forced greggismo (I do not know if I have made this word up myself, but clearly expresses the concept). To explain, I open a "small" parentheses: the study of the Catholic religion.
like to start from the huge-problem-in my opinion in this matter: the right to exempt itself. Those who know me best already turn up their nose I am also relieved, and today we expose the reasons publicly. I am personally convinced that the study of religion is absolutely necessary, and that-in contrast to the common view-shots on issues that do not dance restrict the discussion on the birth date of Jesus Christ, but who have very strong links with philosophy, and listen, listen-with-science, and all their derivatives. Present their views on whether or not an entity governments Ambaradan all this, and-if-its nature, is not just stand by as the Jehovah's Witnesses Christian or Buddhist or Muslim or faithful follower of Mary : already exist for this football team. I see it more as an amiable confrontation that take away from this kind of label, which is devoid of any injury and pull-out-for example, valid arguments on why you should distinguish the concept of "God" from the concept of "event" on the need to entrust the appearance of this planet God rather than to the Big Bang, or more general (but more complicated) human inner need to believe in something it's called "God." They are the first things that I have come to mind, but you could also talk about the history of religions, or arise because of the wars of religion. Believe me, I'm trying to express myself completely neutral in tone, not to reveal my own position on the issue. Because, dear reader, a position I have it, you've surely you too, and-although in some cases unwittingly, we have all others, except that it comes from the reflections of all private or otherwise derived from comparisons occurred outside the school. Which brings us back to where we started: we had the gift of the availability of school hours for one hour in debate on all these beautiful things and we do not, indeed there is even mentioned in a (little) less prosaic "if you want starvene home, just put a signature here." And I-rant that a quarter of an hour about what it would be useful in the classroom at the hour of "religion" - I put that signature. I put it because I, in past years, we are left in the hour class di religione, ma non ne ho ricavato nulla all’altezza delle mie aspettative. “Hai delle aspettative troppo alte”, si potrebbe rispondere: se le mie aspettative nei confronti dello studio della religione devono ridursi ad un’ora passata a fare i compiti per casa delle altre materie -causa allontanamento prolungato (pari all’ora stessa) dell’insegnante dall’aula-, oppure ad un’ora di chiacchiericcio e di lamentele sul numero e sull’origine delle malattie contratte o correntemente sopportate dall’insegnante appena citato, sono contenta del mio esonero. E non lo sono. Rispondo all’eventuale risposta “eh, ma non tutti gli insegnanti sono così”, dicendo che l’insegnante quest’anno è cambiato, e il fulcro delle discussioni si è spostato dalle malattie al mal d’Africa, o -in altri casi- al proprio indirizzo di residenza e ai problemi relazionali con la classe e/o con la propria massa grassa. Non escludo, chiaramente, che qualcuno con un po’ di sale in zucca che insegni religione ci sia, ma la mia personalissima esperienza non lo mette in evidenza, e con i miei compagni di classe siamo già in 17, con tutti i ragazzi con i nostri stessi insegnanti raggiungiamo un numero tale da provare la teoria dell’opinione comune, chiamiamolo pure pregiudizio, verso l’insegnamento fallace della religione, che comporta inevitabilmente un elevato tasso di esoneri: nella mia classe, come ho già got to say composed of 17 elements, 15 are exempted. Break, now a lance in favor of the teachers saying that is created without a doubt a vicious circle: "I treat it as an optional subject, I act accordingly, if they do not like what I do in my time, if they are to home. It 's all very, very sad.
As this brings us to the problem of formalism? Roundabout way, that is: I have talked a lot 'of any debate that there might be and instead there is not, and it is a problem in virtually all subjects. I know, I know, this history of critical debate is corny ... training delle coscienze individuali e critiche tramite il confronto di opinioni, lo dicono tutti! E sono ovviamente d’accordo, ma per non ammorbarvi (vabè...) tento, invece, per chiarirlo anche a me stessa, di capire cosa succede in classe per cui queste coscienze proprio non vogliono formarsi. La principale obiezione, la prediletta da tutti i docenti, è sicuramente “devo finire il programma e non c’ho tempo”. E, in effetti, è vero: nella maggior parte dei casi i programmi sembrano infiniti in confronto al tempo a disposizione. Ma la domanda è: chi li fa sti programmi? Chi decide quanto tempo dedicarsi a ciascun argomento? Non tirate fuori accuse di eresie o critiche simili, ma siate obiettivi: ci serve davvero spend a semester (mid-year guys talking about!) exclusively on Dante? Already I see all your comments (?) Claim that the 'huge importance of Dante, was an author even though the current incredibly lived centuries ago, one can not know. " There it is, the most infamous and most damaging phrase in which one might think: one can not know. Why? Because who knows by heart the songs of Dante 2:00 to 3:00 (I could do billions of other examples eh ...) appears immediately as the guardian of Earth science? Because who does not know the Pythagorean theorem is considered to be an idiot shut up? And why, instead, those who can not utter a word of English is not directed no criticism? Who decided what "you know" because their culture may be considered "sufficient"? And I do not pull out of the fray: I too have certain prejudices, and I want to get out of!
This is not to throw from the tower the "concepts": the job of a teacher is this, and if I go to a question of mathematics without knowing what the commutative property but reciting Shakespeare's Hamlet rubber with a skull in hand, at most I'm going back in place with 2 + for sympathy.
We have, however, I happen to be questioned in the Italian author X: X I just read an excerpt, go to the chair and analyze the themes, contents, do a complete and detailed discussion (and perhaps even interesting!) about my views on these themes, and maybe track revenue from the review of X on these issues, but I can not answer the question, "Yes, but where was X born?". Now, do not claim a kiss for this academic question, or say that I sent to place with 5, but because the eyes of enough?
Because let's face it-all-ALL we give more value to an established concept rather than a personal comment. The "written word" is everything that revolves around education. "Where is it written?", "Where did you read?", "Is there any authoritative critic who says that?" Never "You think you? And how did you come to mind? Tell. "
I was playing programs, and I must mention another thing to conclude.
What do you think if I say "class"? Honestly I would not have a clear idea in his head, but certainly would be different from a conference. The conferences are those where the expert comes in, all the cheering, clears the throat, a glass of water, the expert speaks, everyone is silent, the questions at the end thanks. Well, in our "lessons" every day (not all, eh, most ...) it happens that the professor comes in, everyone rises to his feet, makes the call, Fetch me the coffee, all are silent (because they know for previous experience will be of no interest to them), the professor talks about (not "explain", he speaks), guys, if there is no doubt at the end of the month, thanks. Well, umpf.
It follows a method of study to advance character education: the teacher spoke for three months and there was no way follow a word, I expect the question (vabè. .. the exam!) in two weeks, study it all by myself, and will be an infinite boredom. But it is obvious: in the classroom was not aroused in me the interest, curiosity about this subject, that if the book is finished and if it is considered a must-just-my luggage there must be a reason. Why has not happened in class, "then sit down and boys together this smontiamolo Virgil, analyze them piece by piece, he said this, what do you think?", There was "so young, Virgil was a great writer and had great models blablabla "Well if he had sucked with the cabbage that we would had to study! And the books, for what it says, certainly do not help.
All this to say: yes programs are long, there are many things to do, but:
- Why is this a problem? There is much to learn it? Take it forward and complain negative anxiety and lets the little desire there is.
- Instead of spending the time to praise Cicero or Gauss, take the key concepts and explains them, they can be removed, as I said before-and, in my opinion, it saves time and earns in other words. And, dear Professor, that's okay se non ci fate imparare tutti i titoli delle Operette Morali: questo non è propriamente imparare, è solo esercizio per la memoria.
- Vorrei che il verbo “smontare” (che sto usando a profusione) fosse inteso anche nel senso più popolano del termine: guardiamoli un po’ dall’alto in basso questi personaggi, non trattiamoli come mostri sacri, sono sicura che il più di loro non se la sarebbe presa. Volete che a Diogene che mandò a quel paese Alessandro Magno gliene sarebbe fregato qualcosa se non avessimo saputo quando è vissuto?
Si avverte a volte da parte dei docenti anche il bisogno di manipolare il nostro time in extra-curricular time: do sports? Well, surely you do not study enough. I play the piano? You're a fine person, but you get the point where you do the taunt. Do you like to fuck around with friends in the square after the release? Surely you were not concentrated enough. Here comes the bang-on: a PON? Shame and dishonor on you.
guys who do not attend my own section must believe me: I have heard Professor negatively criticize colleagues for their efforts in the field of PON, very dear to me and very well known. This is the end of extra time to discuss the past and certainly not hot air, and you do if you know you can still study properly for the day following: no one would be so masochistic to do it on purpose is not talked about either. But if you're not stuck with the ass to the chair of the desk at least until you have hallucinations of Madonna dancing the twist, you have not studied enough.
So what do we have? We have a lot of distrust, so that each of us has a bar code as the packages of pasta. We have the prof spends a quarter of an hour a day to complete records, and another to complain. We only care that the upper floors of the school appear "clean and tidy", because money is scarce, and therefore the labs are all padlocked, or completely empty and useless: it is meglio tenere un microscopio sotto chiave, che cercare i soldi per ripararlo perchè si è rovinato per il troppo uso. Abbiamo che, però, tutti i computer hanno la webcam ed MSN installato. Abbiamo che per l’inaugurazione della biblioteca hanno invitato pure Briatore, ma ci puoi andare solo un’ora alla settimana (tra l’altro durante una lezione...) perchè tanta gente fa paura: si sono spesi tanti soldi per rimetterla a posto. Abbiamo che, però, la palestra ci cade a pezzi addosso, e che le condizioni igieniche siano discutibilissime. Abbiamo che per andare in bagno bisogna uscire da scuola e tornare a casa. Abbiamo che si può uscire da scuola e nessuno dice nulla! Abbiamo che andare al bar è il momento più good of the school day ... that we go to the bar one day, it will automatically also working lives.
We have a teacher out of ten is a great professor, but we would like that ten out of ten of us were a hard working day. We have that there is a lot to work on.
Ok after this talk certainly useless, take this opportunity to thank of the 2000 visits, grazie! ^^
Probabilmente, se non mi linciate per la prima, arriverà la seconda parte, in cui presumo punterò il dito contro gli studenti dopo averne dette di tutti i colori contro i prof. Appena mi arriva l'ispirazione lo faccio, che poi basta aspettare la prossima assemblea di classe.
P.S. è chiaro che mi sono riferita esclusivamente alla scuola superiore perchè è quella che conosco meglio, tra qualche tempo probabilmente parlerò anche di Università. E temo quel tempo...Spero, inoltre, di non aver offeso nessuno: la mia unica intenzione era sfogare anni di insoddisfazione, non vorrei che ora mi odiassero tutti quanti XD
Ciao! :)
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