" M a chi è sto burino?"
(Angelina Jolie su Raoul Bova)
C on un leggero ritardo, ieri sera la sottoscritta si è recata al cinema a vedere il film sovra-citato, perché non c'era posto per quello di Chezzo Zalone . No, vabè scherzo. Però, insomma, so. If you expected something along the lines of the post on Harry Potter I'm sorry (really ! ) but will not be: when you go to a movie a couple of weeks after it came out, now the girls and boys cozzaletti have seen it all , and "large " remain silent during the film. Think how boring. And I have not even taken the popcorn!
I the film is a classic post- cinepanettoni , comes with a pack chic and tasty , and a super-glamorous cast . The plot è fatta apposta per stimolare i succhi gastrici delle ragazzine e dei trentenni con la sindrome di Vin Diesel: una gran gnocca misteriosa e griffata che finisce su un treno, senza nemmeno una borsetta (e senza il biglietto, a quanto pare), frequentato solo da grandi uomini in carriera con la cravatta scura (probabilmente prelevati dalle fila di Abercrombie&Bitch ), e chi si va a scegliere? Lo sfigato che insegna matematica (perchè poi gli sfigati hanno SEMPRE a che fare con la matematica ?). Se, poi, i due sono Angelina Jolie e Johnny Depp, les jeux sont faits .
I nsomma, Jolie seems to have got a brand new pole to keep voisapetedove stuck for the duration of the film, with their side effects, what to say all the time things like "I am mysterious," "I shot me," I'm not serving anyone, "" My man is a criminal asshole "and" Look at my ass splits the screen. " Johnny Depp, before the end of the film, does-exactly-the sfigatone, who smokes cigarettes and reads electronic books in paperback, and it can not believe that he went over to tie your shoes a girl with two diamond earrings as big as of kidney stones. And the first part of the film is more-or-less the whole way. I would try not to mention the jokes incredibly sad, like the voracious-word game provocative.
D when they arrive in Venice a finely cleaned for the occasion, the film reaches the peak highest improbability: Christian De Sica is a very serious Commissioner that traps the little chap (among other things: Frank Tupelo that fucking name is that?) sell them to competitors, Marcorè Blacks that makes the receptionist to Danieli, Frassica which the sergeant, and Raul Bova we test with the Jolie - course - promptly sent home in white. No, not PES 2027, they did indeed, for reasons unknown.
V Orre now say a few words about the overt references: the first is the scene in which Depp escapes over the rooftops of Venice . Already do not remember something, right? If not, I am helping you. Quoted also by hooded Jolie. Eeeeeh, if they are looking for. According to reference, we are the final scene: "You have the highest face!" "I pulled up the son", "You have a different voice!" "I screamed like a cozzalo all the time!", "You've got the longest whiskers!" "I killed the barber." What do you remember? Red Riding Hood , of \u200b\u200bcourse.
S ì, in short, just to encourage you to go see it. Ah, kiss . Ah, it's actually the trickster Depp . Ops.
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