C the few certainties in life, but one is surely the sad end to someone who enters a room and recites the bartender: " a glass of water, or girl , I give! . Not to mention the debt in Italian student who dares to omit all punctuation in his sponte a class test, curable only with the marketing of their bodies. But, my dear friends, the good old Latin and Greek have done all his life, and for thousands and thousands of ways, and today we study them and consider them to be of extraordinary writers: no one doubts that they had great imagination, but because they ensure the poetic license, and we do not?
L is true that students who touches serve their sentence and the translation of the greek / or Latin soon realized that it had, then, the self-esteem by saying "No mom, I do not want to play the transverse flute , I want to go to classic", nor have they made a big deal. This You know, it's because these Greeks / Romans were the most playful: surely played
fun with your friends to write poems that are totally absent verbs ! Have you always wanted to write a blog with live updates of the oracles of the Pythia ™, without having to take care of common conjunctions and vulgar? Now you can ! Only 2 drachmas in most, the expansion "Move commas as you like!" To further confuse your readers and confirm your identity and more obscure author !
Attention is a product that causes υβρι s , ath and voluptas
For more information , contact the temple of Asclepius "
A ll'altro corner of the ring, we have other funny writers (usually those of drunken Greeks) who, however, were subject to shots of lightning generosity, which led them to stack with 3-4 terms the exact same meaning, or whole lines only consist of little words that all translated means "Well certainly, therefore, it no doubt, but then, however, then". Undisputed heroes, the legendary duo μεν and δε.
And these are the moments of hilarity! In short, all that means is, the maximum is taken for hendiadys (for the outsider, a kind of wild card). We speak rather of low blood sugar when you intercept a subjunctive, with the consequent panic when you notice that it is preceded by ut / ω s : now what? It will be a final, a strong-willed, a row, a comparative or a misprint? Yes ... from what t looks more like a curl, the Sigma may be a hat ... uh ... has blonde hair? E ' Bill?
U nce arbitrarily assigned a role at the junction remains, however, to translate the rest of the sentence. I bring you now the thoughts of an average medium student who faces a media release:
"Uhmz, try this in the dictionary ... ah mean" unusually cool "...* 3 rows below *... and also "free ride-boxes-of-state treacherously "...* panic *...vabè lo capirò dal contesto ! Andiamo avan...oddio! deseocfilapeidws ?? Speriamo sia un avverbio! Ah finalmente il ver...* musica apocalittica in sottofondo *...per Giove! Per tutti i Numi! Perchè a me questa disgrazia? E'...è...un ottativo ! Qualunque cosa sia, vada per il condizionale ...e quello? * strizza gli occhi guadagnandosi un bonus di 2 gradi di miopia * E' aspro o è dolce? Ma perchè ho comprato il Rocci ?".
I l finale, ora, is twofold:
1. " wonder which meant that ...* drum roll *... comrades, companions in misfortune, our troubles will end here ... there utter the phrase emphasizes the vocabulary ! * chorus of" * We are the champions "
2. " What what? passive pluperfect medium irregular result value ? Enough, I am filled with adhesive tape and I go Lady Gaga streets. Sorry, what you eat beef fillet ? I need it for the sleeves ! "
R isultato: il vero significato era " Cesare combatté valorosamente ", e tu hai tradotto " ebbene, quindi, pertanto, non solo il condottiero sia con una quantità non eccessivamente ridotta di valore guerriero sia si recò nel campo di battaglia ma anche senza dubbio ". Three is a magic number .
Fatto sta che, per chi esce dal classico e non prende due-tre lauree, l'unico lavoro disponibile è fare la permanente ai ricci di mare . Allora, dov'è che l'hai messa la lacca ?
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